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. 2020 Jul 21;5(Suppl 1):e002206. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-002206

Table 1.

Characteristics of included publications (n=110) and included interventions (n=331)

Study and population characteristics
Geographic region* n
 East Asia and the Pacific 10
 Europe and Central Asia 2
 Latin America and the Caribbean 5
 Middle East and North Africa 12
 South Asia 9
 Sub-Saharan Africa 83
Publication type n
 Non-research report 54
 Mixed methods 4
 Observational study 42
 Qualitative study 7
 Quasiexperimental study 1
 Randomised controlled trial 2
Displacement status of beneficiary population* n
 Refugees 49
 IDPs 49
 Non-displaced 25
 Returning refugees 3
 Host 11
 Unreported 14
Setting of displaced populations n
 Camp 34
 Dispersed 11
 Mixed 33
 Unreported 10
Intervention delivery characteristics
Target population type* n
 All/general population 65
 Women of reproductive age 176
 Adolescents (10–19 years) 16
Implementation platform* n
 Existing health system 110
 Faith-based system 9
 Informal governance 9
 NGO/UN agencies 304
 Militaryplatform 3
 Researchplatform 31

*Publications can be included in more than one category.

†Only reflects publications that reported on displaced populations (refugees, IDPS or returning refugees).

IDP, internally displaced person; NGO, non-governmental organisation.