Appendix 1—figure 5. Saddle Node or Subcritical Hopf Onset DC-coupled recordings (green, top) show some baseline fluctuations that are not consistent and too slow to be considered a DC shift.
This recording was capable of showing DC, but this patient’s data did not have a clear DC onset. The ISI and amplitudes are both arbitrary and do not scale from zero. This seizure is consistent with either SN or SubH. Onset Classification: Seizure onset time is somewhat ambiguous, but in this case does not matter for the classification because there is no consistent change regardless of starting point. DC shift: no. Amplitude increasing: no (not consistent). ISI decreasing: no (not consistent). Therefore, this is an arbitrary pattern and is a SN (-DC) or SubH. All reviewers agreed. Offset Classification: Seizure offset is not seen in this view.