Fig. 3. Proteomics characterization of the three initial SPIONs.
a Protein groups from the NP corona of the three initial SPIONs, SP-003, SP-007, and SP-011 as determined by DDA LC-MSMS and MaxQuant (MaxLFQ, 1% protein and peptide FDR). All: represents proteins detected across all NPs. White line indicates the number of proteins detected with two or more peptides with at least one NP. For respective NPs median count and standard deviation across three assay replicates are shown as bar plots. Upper dashes depict number of proteins detected in any sample; lower dashes depict number of proteins detected in all three replicates. White circles show number of protein IDs for each assay replicate. b CV% for precision evaluation (MaxLFQ, filtering for three out of three valid values) of the NP protein corona-based Proteograph workflow. Inner boxplots report the 25% (lower hinge), 50%, and 75% quantiles (upper hinge). Whiskers indicate observations equal to or outside hinge ± 1.5 * interquartile range (IQR). Outliers (beyond 1.5 * IQR) are not plotted. Violin plots capture all data points. c Correlation of the maximum intensities of NP corona proteins vs. plasma proteins to the published concentration of the same proteins (median of assay triplicates). The black lines are linear regression models, and the grey shaded regions represent 95% confidence interval. d Linearity of response for measurement for CRP protein on the SP-007 NP in a spike-recovery experiment. Error bars denote standard deviations around the mean. All data were acquired in n = 3 independent assay replicates. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.