Fig. 5. Single-cell phylogenetic trees reveal the two-phase evolution pattern in Type 2 cases.
a SKY-based single-cell phylogenetic tree was generated with all metaphases in Mouse 2 SVZR-T using a neighbor-joining algorithm with customized feature and distance measure selection (see “Methods” for details). Red arrows indicate major clusters. b The genotype of each founder cell/clone (FC) of the major clusters on the phylogenetic trees was extrapolated based on common genetic features, and their clonal relationship was illustrated. Major chromosomal events shared by cells in each branch are shown. c A schematic model shows the mode of distant dispersal in Mouse 2 from the SVZR to the three distant sites via parallel seeding and polyclonal seeding based on interpretation of SKY-based single-cell analysis. d WGS data of seven single-cell-derived bulk tumor samples isolated from Mouse 2 SVZR-T were used to generate genome-wide CNV profiles, and a neighbor-joining tree was constructed to predict the evolutionary trajectory of these clones. Line length corresponds to difference in CNV profiles. Shared genetic events of known oncogenes or tumor suppressors are marked. See “Methods” for details. Models show a similar two-phase evolutionary pattern from the SVZ to distant brain regions in two additional Type 2 cases, Mouse 3 (e) and Mouse 6 (f).