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. 2020 Jun 20;9(7):405–416. doi: 10.1002/psp4.12534

Table 2.

Final covariate MT model with PD effect on margination and demargination rates: population PD parameters and bootstrap CIs

Parameter value (SE) Bootstrap median (95% CI)
ANC0, ×109/L 4.57 (0.0572) 4.56 (4.49–4.63)
k, 1/day 1.31 (0.0771) 1.32 (0.954–1.69)
Emax, unitless 1.75 (0.131) 1.74 (1.51–2.07)
EC50, mg/L: sarilumab 0.137 (0.0187) 0.131 (0.0612–0.440)
EC50, mg/L: tocilizumab 1.78
k tol, 1/day 0.281 (0.00948) 0.277 (0.255–0.328)
k out, 1/day 0.887 Fixed 0.877 Fixed
β, ANCB on ANC0 0.887 (0.0263) 0.889 (0.855–0.930)
β, ANCB on Emax 0.549 (0.147) 0.587 (0.247–0.847)
β, drug on EC50 2.56 (0.168) 2.65 (1.11–3.77)
ω, ANC0 0.102 (0.00737) 0.101 (0.0804–0.119)
ω, Emax 0.803 (0.0440) 0.800 (0.713–0.887)
SD of residual error
σexponential 0.249 (0.00156) 0.249 (0.240–0.257)
Log‐likelihood estimation
−2 log‐likelihood 11,963.699
BIC 12,064.88

ANC, absolute neutrophil count; ANC0, estimated baseline ANC; ANCB, ANC values observed before the first dose; β, covariate coefficient; BIC, Bayesian information criteria; CI, confidence interval; EC50, concentration of drug causing half‐maximal effect; Emax, maximum drug‐induced effect; k, intercompartmental rate; k out, neutrophil elimination rate; k tol, tolerance rate; MT, margination–tolerance; ω, between‐subject SD in parameters; PD, pharmacodynamic; SE, standard error; σ, SD.