Table 1.
Overview of studies included in the systematic review.
Author, | Methods | Waist circumference measurement method | Result |
Jalal et al. 2009 | Cross-sectional study. The study subjects were 92 chosen by multistage random sampling | Weight, height and waist size | A positive association was found between waist circumference and serum triglyceride, blood glucose and blood pressure, however no correlation was found with HDL-cholesterol. |
Oviyanti, 2010 | Cross-sectional study. Determination of the sample is done using consecutive sampling | Blood pressure, waist circumference, and hip circumference | There is a relationship between waist circumference and the ratio of hip circumference to systolic pressure, and the ratio of hip waist to diastolic blood pressure in female subjects and the ratio of hip waist circumference to diastolic pressure in male subjects. |
Sumayku, 2014 | This study is an analytical type with cross-section | Height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure | There was a significant correlation between body mass index with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure and there also significant correlation between body mass index with waist circumference. The increase in body mass index and waist circumference may affect the blood pressure. |
Sari et al. 2016 | Cross sectional study, with systematic random sampling | Abdominal circumference and blood pressure | The conclusion of this study is the increase in abdominal circumference puts the patient at risk of increased blood pressure. |
Borel et al. 2018 | Observational, transversal study | Height, weight, and hip, waist and neck circumference | Hip, waist and neck circumferences are correlated with BMI. Waist and neck circumferences were significantly associated with hypertension, type 2 diabetes and OSAS in univariate logistic regressions, waist-to-hip ratio with hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Neck circumference was the only marker significantly associated with all cardiometabolic risk markers. |
Soetiarto et al. 2010 | Basic health research database analysis 2007 | Body mass index, abdominal circumference | The adjusted OR of obesity based on waist circumference versus BMI were respectively as risk factors of DM among aged 25-64 in urban areas. The waist circumference is preferred to be measured in a survey, as a proxy indicator of DM burden, whenever the glucose load is not feasible to be carried out. |
Simbar et al. 2015 | Descriptive cross sectional analytic study | Secondary data of medical records of patients consisting of measurements of hip circumference, lipid profile (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), at the Endocrine Polyclinic at Prof. General Hospital. R.D. Kandou Manado | This research was not found significant relationship between circumference waist with total cholesterol levels, LDL levels, and triglyceride levels. However there is a significant relationship between waist circumference with HDL levels. |
Larasati, and Alvina, 2018 | Analytic study with cross-sectional design | Cholesterol level and hip waist circumference | This study concludes that the hip waist circumference ratio is associated with total cholesterol levels in adults. |
Lee et al. 2012 | Analytic study, time series | Percent body fat and body mass index | The increased risks associated with fitness loss were also somewhat attenuated when fatness was reduced. Both maintaining or improving fitness and preventing fat gain are important to reduce the risk of developing CVD risk factors in healthy adults. |
Anggraini & Hendrati, 2014 | Observation with case control design | Knee osteoarthritis, obesity, gender, age, physical activity, habit smoke | The results showed significant relationship between occurence of knee osteoarthritis with obesity, age, gender. The conclusion there is relationship between obesity with knee osteoarthritis. |
Maizura, 2015 | Cross sectional analytic study | Neck score, body score, foot score, arm score, final REBA score, age, gender, smoking, NPB history, exercise habits, weight, waist circumference, height, sitting height, body fat percent, length of service and lighting | Statistical test results show that variables related to complaints of low back pain are neck score, body score, final REBA score, gender, height, percent body fat, sitting height, and lighting. |
Fauzan, & Yuli Kusumawati, 2017 | Observational design with case control | Body mass index (BMI), purine intake, and exercise with the incidence of gout arthritis | The results showed that there is a correlation between BMI with the incidence of gout arthritis |
Rau et al. 2015 | Analytical study with a cross sectional design | Uric acid levels, body mass index | The results showed that the average of uric acid levels in obese group and in non-obese group. In the obese group, 67% had an increase in uric acid level meanwhile in the non-obese group only 38%. In this study, the average of uric acid level in obese group was significantly higher than in the non-obese group. |