Shape changes of the chromosome during the cell cycle. (a) The pathways projected
onto the first and third principal axes (PAs) during the transition from the I to the
M phase. The first and third PAs are defined to be the longest and shortest in the
chromosome conformation, respectively. The PA lengths are relative to the mean values
of those at the I phase. Thus, the transition approximately starts from (1, 1) and
decreases during the condensation process to the M phase. All the transition
trajectories are shown and colored by time in a logarithmic scale. The green and blue
dots represent the mean values for the I and M phases. The error bars correspond to
the standard deviations. The pathway averaged by all trajectories is shown with the
cyan line. (b) Like (a) but for the transition from the M to the I phase. (c) The
average pathways colored using a logarithmic timescale for the two directional
transitions. (d) The pathways projected onto the aspherical parameter
Δ and radius of gyration Rg during the
transition from the I to the M phase. Δ is in the range 0–1. For
perfect spheres, Δ = 0. (e) Like (d) but for the transition from the
M to the I phase. (f) The average pathways for the two directional transitions. (g)
Typical chromosome structures extracted from the transition trajectories. Upper: I → M
transition. Lower: M → I transition. The pathways for the selected structures are
shown in (a), (b), (d), and (e) by gray lines with dots corresponding to the positions
of the structures. The chromosome structures are colored from red to green based on
the genomic distance. The black arrows for the chromosome structures illustrate the
major shape changes expected in the next step.