Fig. 5. Natural gut microbiota are resilient and outcompete gut microbiota of conventional laboratory mice.
16S rRNA gene profiling data of bacterial gut microbiota during strong environmental disturbances, displayed by unweighted UniFrac PCoA’s. (A) Antibiotic challenge (amoxicillin/clavulanate) of wildlings, and conventional laboratory mice from Taconic and Jackson.(B) Dietary challenge (high-fat diet) of wildlings and conventional laboratory mice from Taconic. (C,D) Microbiological challenge through cohousing of 3 mice: a B6 mouse with pathogen-free wild mouse gut microbiota (WildR), a germ-free C57BL/6 mouse (GF) and a B6 mouse with conventional laboratory gut microbiota from Taconic (C), or Jackson (D). Data in panel B are from one experiment with 3–4 mice per group; data in panels A, C and D are from two independent experiments with 5–6 mice per group.