A) Direct interaction network of RAB1B as visualized by STRING. B) and C) HeLa cells either stably transfected with LAMP1-GFP (green) or transiently transfected with LAMP1-mCherry (red) were co-transfected with plasmids encoding various RAB GTPases (RAB7A, RAB1A, RAB1B, RAB3A, RAB8A, RAB8B, RAB9A, RAB11A) fused to GFP (green) or mRuby2 (red) and then infected with STM WT expressing mCherry or GFP. Living cells were imaged from 6–9 h p.i. by CLSM and images are shown as maximum intensity projections (MIP). Insets magnify structures of interest and white arrowheads indicate colocalization with SIF. Scale bars, 10 μm (overviews), 1 μm (details).