Depicted are central eukaryotic endomembrane organelles possibly playing a role in the newly identified interplays of host factors with SIF. Magnifications show the interactions of clathrin (i), late secretory and/or recycling-related RAB3A, RAB8A/B, and VAMP2/3/4 (ii), late endo-/lysosomal VTI1B, STX8, and VAMP8 (iii), and early secretory RAB1A/B (iv) with other host factors added as discussed in the text. Solid lines represent interactions identified here or otherwise known, dashed lines represent putative interactions. COP, coat protein complex; EE, early endosome; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; LE, late endosome; Lys, lysosome; RE, recycling endosome; SCV, Salmonella-containing vacuole; SIF, Salmonella-induced filaments; STM, S. Typhimurium; SV, secretory vesicle.