Table 1:
Results, Side Effects, and Complications from Neuromodulation Therapy
Neuromodulation Therapy | Principal Results from Studies | Potential Side Effects and Complications |
CSD | Improved EF and 6MWT; suppressed HF progression | Horner’s syndrome, pneumothorax, hemothorax, hypotension, harlequin unilateral facial flushing, and hyperhidrosis |
RND | Improved EF, 6MWT, NYHA class; decreased NT pro-BNP | Renal artery stenosis, renal artery dissection, UTI, and femoral pseudoaneurysms |
VNS | Inconclusive; ANTHEM-HF reported improvements in EF, NYHA class, 6MWT, and MLWHFQ score, while INOVATE-HF and NECTAR-HF did not | Dysphonia, coughing, oropharyngeal pain, vocal cord paralysis, and lead fracture and malfunction |
TNS | Reduced AF burden; in acute STEMI, EF increased, while VT, wall motion index, NT pro-BNP decreased | Electrode malfunction |
CCM | Reduced HF hospitalization and CV death; improved pVO2, 6MWT, MLWHFQ score, NYHA class | Lead fracture, infection, and pericardial effusion |
BAT | Improved 6MWT and MLWHFQ score; decreased NT pro-BNP | Localized numbness, dysphonia, and dysphagia |
Spinal cord stimulation | Inconclusive; SCS HEART reported improved LV function and exercise tolerance, while DEFEAT-HD did not | Lead fracture, lead fracture, implant site hematoma, neck or back pain, and postprocedure decompensated HF |
BAT: baroreceptor activation therapy; CCM: cardiac contractility modulation; CSD: cardiac sympathetic denervation; EF: ejection fraction; HF: heart failure; NYHA: New York Heart Association; NT-proBNP: N-terminal prohormone B-type natriuretic peptide: RND: renal nerve denervation: SCS: spinal cord stimulation; TNS: tragus nerve stimulation; UTI: urinary tract infection; VNS: vagus nerve stimulation.