(a) Plot of the rate, scaled by the maximal rate , vs the monomer concentration m,
scaled by the half-saturation concentration
KM, for an elongation reaction (cyan)
and for nucleation reactions with orders 2 (green) and 4 (magenta). Elongation obeys
Michaelis-Menten kinetics precisely, with a sublinear dependence of the rate on
monomer concentration, whereas the higher-order nucleation reactions obey Hill
kinetics with the rate exhibiting a sigmoidal monomer dependence. (b)–(d)
investigating the effect of saturation in elongation, secondary nucleation, and
primary nucleation, respectively, on aggregation curves. Aβ40 rate constants employed
with m(0) = 35 µM. Solid lines:
KM = 1M, i.e., no saturation. Dashed
lines: KM = 35, 20, or 10
µM. Shorter dashed lines correspond to lower saturation
concentrations. Saturation in elongation and secondary nucleation mainly reduces the
aggregation rate, whereas the sole effect of saturation in primary nucleation is to
increase the lag time. Due to the logarithmic dependence of the half time on primary
nucleation,26 saturation in the
latter has the smallest effect on aggregation kinetics. Saturation in secondary
nucleation has the largest overall impact, despite increasing ε, due
to the higher reaction order of secondary nucleation compared to elongation.