WT and PTEN iKO mice were treated as described in Figures 6&7. Injured carotid arteries were harvested 3-weeks post-injury and sections were immunofluorescently stained for YFP (green) and SMMHC (red); nuclei were stained for DAPI (blue). Representative images from N=7 (WT vehicle), N=6 (WT 5-azacytidine), N=6 (PTEN iKO vehicle), and N=7 (PTEN iKO 5-azacytidine). Scale bars = 100μm. M = arterial media; A = arterial adventitia, NI = neointima. Note increased SMMHC expression in injured arteries from WT mice treated with 5-azacytidine, but not from PTEN iKO mice treated with 5-azacytidine.