Figure 5.
Rise-and-fall to steady-state time course profile examples of GPCR signaling. (a) Intracellular Ca2+ mobilization via the GnRH1 receptor stimulated by 100 nM GnRH in the presence of extracellular Ca2+, an example of the precursor depletion with response degradation to steady-state model (data from Fig. 1a, presence of extracellular Ca2+, of70). (b) ERK1/2 phosphorylation via the LPA1 receptor stimulated by 10 μM LPA (data from Fig. 4a of76, fit to Eq. (4) with baseline fixed at 1.0) (c) PKC activation and (d) Rho activation by the AT1 receptor in vascular smooth muscle cells stimulated by 100 nM AngII (data from Fig. 3a,b, respectively, of77, fit to Eq. 8). Note in (b) the fitting procedure involved minimization of outlier contribution to the fit (“Robust regression”)74, which precluded estimation of R2 values. Fitted parameter values are given in the file “Curve fit results” in Supporting Material. Initial rate was calculated using the equation, (See Appendix 1.1). Data in (a) were also analyzed using the mechanism equation for precursor depletion and response degradation to steady-state (Eq. 17 in Methods). The fitted curve overlies that of the rise-and-fall to steady-state fit.