Fig. 3. Helix-helix interface and the A320V mutant.
a, b Orthogonal views of TM5. Glycine and alanine residues are indicated as red spheres. A320 and its contacts in a neighboring helix (A322 and L329) are highlighted in green. V319 and F323 constitute the hydrophobic gate. c Representative traces for single AtMSL1 and A320V channel activities in response to a brief 1 s pressure ramp followed by 90 s without pressure. Closed state (baseline) current is indicated by C while open states are indicated by O. The maximum negative pressure used is indicated. Membrane potential was clamped at −70 mV. Multiple subconducting states were observed with the A320V mutant, while the peak unitary current of A320V was indistinguishable from that of the wild type (Table 3). d Percentages of AtMSL1 (black) and AtMSL1 A320V (gray) gating events with open dwell times of 0–19.99 s, 20–39.99 s, 40–59.99 s, 60–79.99 s, or 80+ s. Data represent traces obtained from 10 patches per variant channel with only the first gating event analyzed per trace (103 traces for AtMSL1, 34 for AtMSL1 A320V). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.