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. 2020 Apr 19;92:100587. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2020.100587

Table 3.

Comparison of treatment patterns 12 months before and after switch to once-monthly paliperidone palmitate (PP1M) among patients treated with risperidone or paliperidone (RIS/PALI).

Treatment patterns 12 months pre-PP1M switch (n = 493) 12 months post-PP1M switch (n = 493)
AP use
 Any oral APs 493 (100.0)* 342 (69.4)*
  Atypical oral APs 493 (100.0)* 334 (67.8)*
 Any LAI APs 125 (25.4)* 493 (100.0)*
  Atypical LAI APs 93 (18.9)* 493 (100.0)*
 Antidepressants 343 (69.6)* 328 (66.5)*
 Anxiolytics 270 (54.8)* 266 (54.0)*
 Mood stabilizers 261 (52.9)* 246 (49.9)*
 Any agent 0.6 (0.3) 0.7 (0.3)§
  ≥80% 135 (27.4)* 265 (53.8)*§
 RIS/PALI 0.4 (0.3) 0.2 (0.3)§
  ≥80% 54 (11.0)* 22 (4.5)*§
 PP1M 0.5 (0.3)
  ≥80% 133 (27.0)*
 Any agent 0.7 (0.3) 0.9 (0.3)§
  ≥80% 230 (46.7)* 366 (74.2)*§
 RIS/PALI 0.4 (0.4) 0.2 (0.3)§
  ≥80% 109 (22.1)* 64 (13.0)*§
 PP1M 0.6 (0.4)
  ≥80% 177 (35.9)*

AP = antipsychotic; LAI = long-acting injectable; MPR = medication possession ratio; PDC = proportion of days covered.

Value is presented as n (%).

Defined as the sum of nonoverlapping days of supply divided by a fixed period (ie, 6 or 12 months) and medication possession ratio. Adherence to therapy was defined as PDC ≥80%.

Value is mean (SD).


P < 0.05.


Defined as the sum of the days of supply during exposure divided by the duration of exposure to therapy. Adherence to therapy was defined as MPR ≥80%.