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. 2018 Dec 4;19(1):47–76. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12959

Table 1.

Examples of high‐throughput identification studies that focus on or include pathogens or pests

NGS technology Sampling area, country Sampled host species and substrate Targeted taxa Target DNA marker Primers Main results Reference
Studies targeting pathogens
Sanger: MetT Global Homo sapiens: faeces RNA viruses All None Plant viruses prevail; humans may act as vectors Zhang et al. (2005)
454: MetB Pakistan Orthoptera, Gastropoda: faeces Plants trnL (mini) g + h Different plant species prevail in diet of animal pests Valentini et al. (2009)
454: MetT Poland + Lithuania Lycoperiscon esculentum: leaves RNA viruses All None Several previously unrecognized viruses detected Adams et al. (2009)
Illumina: MetT Peru Manihot esculenta: leaves SPFMV, SPCSV viruses siRNA None Sequence of whole genomes using siRNA method Kreuze et al. (2009)
454: MetT CA, USA Vitis vinifera: leaves RNA viruses All Various Sequence of whole genomes from known and unknown viruses Al Rwahnih, Daubert, Golino, and Rowhani (2009)
454: WGS Unknown Phytophthora 4 spp.: cultures Phytophthora All None Host jumps are followed by rapid genome evolution in repeat‐rich regions Raffaele, Farrer, Cano, Studholme, and MacLean (2010)
454: MetT OK, USA + Costa Rica 15 angiosperm families: leaves dsRNA viruses All RT–PCR primer 11 known virus families; thousands of novel host‐specific viruses Roossinck et al. (2010)
Illumina: MetB WA, Australia 17 wild plant species: leaves ssRNA Viruses All Oligo‐d (T) primers for RT–PCR Multiple novel viruses describe Wylie, Luo, Li, and Jones (2012)
454: MetB Italy Phytophthora: mock community Oomycetes: Phytophthora spp. ITS1 ITS6 + ITS7 HTS method suited for detection of Phytophthora spp. Vettraino, Bonants, Tomassini, Bruni, and Vannini (2012)
Ion Torrent: MetG South Africa Eucalyptus grandis: leaf, petiole, twig, wood Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Community dominated by Dothidiomycetes that harbour well‐known plant pathogens. Kemler et al. (2013)
454: MetB Finland Picea abies: stumps Basidiomycota ITS ITS1Fa + ITS4Ba Phlebiopsis gigantea biocontrol does not affect fungal composition, lost 1 year after inoculation; Heterobasidion undetected Terhonen et al. (2013)
Illumina: MetG China Hexapoda: mixed specimens Hexapoda None (mtDNA enriched) None High‐resolution identification of arthropods Zhou et al. (2013)
Illumina: MetB Panama Woody plants: leaves Bacteria 16S rRNA 799F + 1115R; PCRII_for + PCRII_rev Communities dominated by a few core microbiome taxa Kembel et al.. (2014)
454: MetB Martinique, France Arthropod predators Metazoa COI (mini) Uni‐MinibarF1 + R1 Multiple insect pests make a strong contribution to diet Mollot et al. (2014)
454: MetB Spain Soil, water Phytophthora ITS1 18Ph2F + 5.8S−1R Greater species and phylogenetic richness in water samples Catala, Pérez‐Sierra, and Abad‐Campos (2015)
Illumina: RAD‐seq Germany Fusarium graminearum: cultures Fusarium graminearum None None High levels of divergence in all populations Talas and McDonald (2015)
Illumina: MetB Germany Arabidopsis thaliana tissues Bacteria, Fungi, Oomycetes

16S rRNA


2 pairs for each group Pathogens regulate microbiome diversity; fungal and oomycete antagonism to bacteria Agler et al. (2016)
Illumina: MetB WA, USA Populus trichocarpa: leaves Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Detection of species suppressing and facilitating rust infection Busby, Peay, and Newcombe (2016)
454: MetB Primorye, Russia Fraxinus mandshurica: leaf, leaflets, rachises Fungi (incl. Hymenoscyphus spp.) ITS2 gITS7 + ITS4 Fungal composition similar in infected and uninfected leaves; H. fraxineus detected from 33% of samples Cleary et al. (2016)
PacBio: MetaB Mexico Coffea arabica +Hemileia vastatrix: pustules Fungi ITS ITS1Fa +ITS4 Communities diverse, differ geographically; potential biocontrol agents detected James, Marino, Perfecto, and Vandermeer (2016)
Illumina: MetT North America Cultures of five fungal pathogens RNA viruses All None Tens of novel mycoviruses that may have biocontrol properties Marzano et al. (2016)
Illumina: WGS Variable Erysiphales spp.: cultures Erysiphales (Fungi) None None Interspecific hybridization causes raise of novel pathogens Menardo et al. (2016)
ON: WGS Guinea Homo sapiens: tissue samples Ebola virus None None Virus genome sequenced and detected in <60 min. Quick et al. (2016)
Illumina: MetB France Raphanus sativus Bacteria, Fungi 16S, gyrB, ITS1




Alternaria infection alters plant microbiome Rezki et al. (2016)
Illumina: MetB Estonia Forest nursery soils Oomycetes ITS ITS1Oo + ITS4ngs HTS conditions suitable for identification of oomycetes Riit et al. (2016)
454: MetB Great Britain Quercus spp.: bark, wood Bacteria 16S rRNA 341f + 805r Composition differs in healthy and infected tissue by acute oak decline Sapp et al. (2016)
454: MetB SA, Canada 4 crops: roots and soil Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Pathogens become dominant after crop rotations with legumes Bainard et al. (2017)
454: MetB Spain Quercus ilex: roots, soil Oomycetes, esp. Phytophthora ITS1 ITS6a + 5.8S−1R Phytophthora sp. nov dominates Catala, Berbegal, Pérez‐Sierra, and Abad‐Camposa (2017)
454: MetB Norway Fraxinus excelsior: leaves, petioles Fungi (incl. Hymenoscyphus spp.) ITS1, ITS2 ITS5a + ITS2a; gITS7 + ITS4 Fungal communities differ by season and infection rate; few reads of Hymenoscyphus spp. in ITS1 data Cross et al. (2017)
454: MetB Italy Bark beetles: Orthotomicus erosus, Xyleborinus saxesenii Fungi ITS2 ITS3a + ITS4 Bark beetles carry pathogenic fungi with exported timber Malacrino et al. (2017)
454: MetB Finland Betula pendula: leaves Fungi ITS2 fITS7a + ITS4 No effect of tree diversity and neighbourhood on pathogens Nguyen et al. (2017)
Ion torrent: ddRAD sequences Multiple Hymenoscyphus fraxineus: ascocarps, isolates; H. albidus: isolates Fungi: H. albidus, H. fraxineus None None High genetic variation in E Asia compared to Europe; E Russia a likely source area for Europe; possibility to assign strain to a population Sønstebø et al. (2017)
Illumina: MetB France Arabidopsis thaliana: tissues Bacteria gyrB aF64+aR353 Pathogens co‐occur in diseased plants, differ in roots and leaves and seasonally Bartoli et al. (2018)
PhyloChip Netherlands Arabidopsis thaliana: roots Bacteria, Fungi None None Pathogen‐induced root microbes induce systemic resistance in offspring Berendsen et al. (2018)
Illumina: MetB Slovenia, Germany Centaurea spp.: rhizosphere Nematodes 18S 3NDf + 1132rmod MetB outperforms qPCR in nematode identification Geisen et al. (2018)
ON: MetG New Zealand Rattus norvegicus: gut All None None Diet consists of various plants and insects incl. pests Pearman et al. (2018)
Studies including pathogens
454: MetT Europe Agricultural soils All (esp. ammonia oxidizers) None (AmoA) None (various for AmoA) Archaea are predominate ammonia oxidizers Leininger et al. (2006)
454: MetB Various Various soils Bacteria, Archaea 18S 787f + 1492rm Richness and composition differ in agricultural and forest soils; pathogens undistinguished Roesch et al. (2007)
454: MetG China Vector insect Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus None None Plant pathogen genome recovered from mixed DNA samples Duan et al. (2009)
454: MetB France 6 tree plantations: soil Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Putative pathogen Ceratobasidiaceae sp. dominant in all sites Buee et al. (2009)
454: MetB KS, USA Quercus macrocarpa: leaves in rural versus urban sites Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Both pathogens and endophytes common, habitat effect Jumpponen and Jones (2009)
454: MetB Americas Soil Bacteria 16S 27F + 338R pH drives soil bacterial composition on a continental scale; pathogens undistinguished Lauber, Zhou, Gordon, Knight, and Fierer (2010)
454: MetB FL, USA + unknown Individuals extracted from soil Nematoda 18S; 28S NF1 + 18Sr2ba; D3a + D3b Two markers recover nearly all taxa Porazinska et al. (2009)
454: MetB Costa Rica Forest soil Eukaryotes 18S; 28S SSUF04 + SSUR22; NF1 + 18Sr2ba HTS of 18S and 28S rRNA genes can be used for eukaryote diversity studies Creer et al. (2010)
454: MetB Global Indoor dust Fungi 28S LROR‐F + LR5F Indoor dust reveals predominance of microfungi incl. plant pathogens Amend, Seifert, Samson, and Bruns (2010)
454: MetB Americas Soil Eukaryotes (esp. protists) 18S F515a + R1119a Distribution of protist phyla depends on climate; pathogens undistinguished Bates et al. (2013)
454: MetB KS, USA Individuals extracted from soil Nematoda 18S NF1 + 18Sr2ba Quantification of taxa semiquantitative at best Darby, Todd, and Herman (2013)
Illumina: MetB NY, USA Green roof and city park soil Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Fungal composition differs, pathogens undistinguished McGuire et al. (2013)
Illumina: MetB Germany Grassland soil Fungi ITS1 ITSFI2a + ITS2a Illumina HTS can be used to recover fungal diversity Schmidt et al. (2013)
454: MetB NC, TN, USA 3 tree species: roots Bacteria, Fungi 16S, 18S, ITS, 28S various Soil origin explains endophytes better than host species; pathogens commonly detected Bonito et al. (2014)
454: MetB Portugal Vitis vinifera: leaves Bacteria, Fungi 16S, ITS2, 28S V6F, V6R; ITS3a + ITS4; D2Fa + D2R Fungal richness declines but bacterial richness increases with time Pinto et al. (2014)
454: MetB Global Soil Fungi ITS2 ITS3NGSmix + ITS4ngs Plant pathogen richness peaks in tropics Tedersoo et al. (2014)
454: MetB Costa Rica Reared individuals Lepidoptera COI LepF1 + LepR1 HTS can be used in single‐specimen barcoding Shokralla et al. (2014)
454: MetB Italy Olea europaea: fruits, leaves Fungi ITS2 ITS3a + ITS4 Low diversity and high Colletotrichum abundance in rotten fruits Abdelfattah, Nicosia, Cacciola, Droby, and Schena (2015)
Illumina: mtMetG Spain Coleoptera: bodies Coleoptera COI, etc. None Larval species and phylogenetic diversity greater in subsoil Andujar et al. (2015)
Illumina: MetB AK, USA + Canada Populus balsamifera: leaves Fungi ITS1 ITS1FI2a + ITS4 Proportion of pathogens declines northwards Balint et al. (2015)
454: MetT Europe Soil Eukaryotes None None, 18S extracted High protist diversity incl. many pathogens Geisen et al. (2015)
Illumina: MetB USA Dust Fungi ITS1 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Spore dispersal prediction for pathogens and other fungi Grantham et al. (2015)
454: MetB FL, USA Scolytidae bark beetles: mycangia Fungi ITS2 gITS7 + ITS4 Composition differs among species; several yeasts and plant pathogens besides mutualists Kostovcik et al. (2015)
454: MetB Italy Fruit fly: Bactrocera oleae Fungi ITS2 ITS3a + ITS4 Fruit fly carries spores of both pathogens and biocontrol agents; males and females differ Malacrino, Schena, Campolo, Laudani, and Palmeri (2015)
Illumina: MetB Costa Rica 1,010 trapped individuals Arthropoda COI Ill_LCO1490 + Ill_C_R; Ill_B_F + Ill_HCO2198 Low match between morphology, Sanger sequencing and HTS Shokralla et al. (2015)
454: MetB Italy Fragaria vesca: fruits, leaves Fungi ITS2 ITS3a + ITS4 Fungicides reduce the dominant species Botrytis cinerea Abdelfattah, Wisniewski, Nicosia, and M.G., Cacciola, S.O., & Schena, L. (2016)
454: MetB Estonia Forest soil Eukaryotes ITS2 ITS3NGSmix + ITS4ngs Pathogen composition is relatively most affected by plant neighbourhood Bahram et al. (2016)
Illumina: MetB Panama Plantation forest soil Fungi 28S NL1 + NL4 Pathogens respond more strongly to vegetation than saprobes and mutualists Kivlin and Hawkes (2016)
Illumina: MetG Brazil Predator arthropods: gut All None None Insect pests are important food sources Paula et al. (2016)
454: MetB Estonia + Finland Forest soil Eukaryotes ITS2 ITS3NGSmix + ITS4ngs Plant pathogens respond negatively to soil C:N ratio; nematodes have site‐specific drivers Tedersoo, Bahram, et al. (2016)
454: MetB The Netherlands Agricultural soils Fungi ITS2: 13C enriched ITS9a + ITS4 Pathogen: mycorrhiza ratio of active community declines with succession Hannula et al. (2017)
Illumina: MetG Great Britain Solanum tuberosum: rot All None None Detection of taxonomic and functional profile of potato rot spots Doonan et al. (2017)
Illumina: MetB MN, USA Agricultural soil Fungi ITS2 ITS1Fa + ITS2a Pathogens are relatively more abundant in high‐biomass plant communities Cline et al. (2017)
Ion Torrent: MetB Greenland Tundra soil Fungi ITS2 fITS7a + ITS4 Pathogens were more prevalent in highly stressed habitats Grau et al. (2017)
Illumina: MetB North America Helianthus annuus: roots, leaves, seeds Bacteria, Fungi 16S; ITS1 515F + 806r; ITS1Fa + ITS2a Proportion of pathogens greater in older than recent varieties Leff, Lynch, Kane, and Fierer (2017)
Illumina: MetB NY + MA, USA Forest soil Fungi ITS2 fITS7a + ITS4 Pathogen richness is greater in Alliaria petiolata infested sites Anthony, Frey, and Stinson (2017)
454: MetB Estonia Pinus sylvestris forest soil Eukaryotes ITS2 ITS3NGSmix + ITS4ngs Plant pathogen richness increase at higher soil moisture Hiiesalu, Bahram, and Tedersoo (2017)
PacBio: MetB Papua New Guinea + Estonia Forest and nursery soil Eukaryotes (esp. fungi, oomycetes) 18S, ITS, 28S Multiple Longer amplicons: higher resolution, less artefactual taxa; full ITS‐based identification of oomycetes Tedersoo et al. (2017)
Illumina: MetB S Europe Bat Miniopterus schreibersii: faeces Animals COI, mt16S ArtF1c + ArtR2c; Coleop16Sc + Coleop16Sd Pests constitute >50% of prey Aizpurua et al. (2018)
Illumina: MetB SA, Australia Soil in successional habitats Fungi ITS (ITS1 analysed) ITS1Fa + ITS4 Pathogen abundance declines with ecosystem naturality Yan et al. (2018)

MetB, metabarcoding; MetG, metagenomics; metT, metatranscriptomics; ON, Oxford Nanopore; WGS, whole‐genome sequencing.


Poorly performing primer(s).