Changes in cardiac myofilament protein phosphorylation following acute oestrogen receptor activation is altered by ovarian function. Hearts were removed from intact mice, 60 days after VCD injections, or 120 days after VCD injections and perfused for 15 min with agonists for oestrogen receptors. A and B, Oestrogen receptor‐α or ‐β stimulation of intact hearts did not impact the total phosphorylation level of any myofilament protein examined as compared to vehicle‐treated controls. C and D, At 60 days following VCD injections desmin phosphorylation was increased with oestrogen receptor‐β stimulation (DPN) and MLC1 phosphorylation was decreased by oestrogen receptor‐α activation (PPT). E and F, At 120 days after VCD injections oestrogen receptor‐α activation (PPT) increased MLC2 phosphorylation. Note: MyBP‐C, myosin binding protein C; TnT, troponin T; TnI, troponin I, MLC1, myosin light chain 1; MLC2, myosin light chain 2; VCD 60 D, 60 days after VCD injections; VCD 120 D, 120 days after VCD injections. N = 7 per group. *P < 0.05 vs vehicle‐treated control from same group