Figure 5.
Concurrent multi‐scale and continuum features of transcriptional bursting. Shown are simulation results with the Wang–Liu–Wang (WLW) model. Transcription initiation events are denoted by violet vertical lines, with the inset showing an enlarged view. Enh‐1 denotes whether the enhancer (Enh) is bound by activators, with the upper parts of the line denoting the bound state. SCF and TATA‐H denote whether the TATA‐box in the core promoter region is occupied by the scaffold complex (SCF) and histones (H), respectively. The dynamics of activators cycling in the C‐space, the formation and destruction of the SCF, and occupancy of the core promoter by histones endow the bursts with multiple time scales. The time intervals between two successive initiation events do not obey a single exponential distribution, as shown in the inset.