Figure 8.
Motif analysis of Hemiptera odorant binding proteins (OBPs) and chemosensory proteins (CSPs). Parameters used for motif discovery were minimum width = 6, maximum width = 10 and maximum number of motif to find = 8. The upper parts in (A) and (B) list the eight motifs discovered in the Hemiptera OBPs and CSPs, respectively. All the motifs were discovered using meme (version 4.11.4; Bailey et al., 2009) online server ( The lower parts indicate approximate locations of each motif on the protein sequence. The numbers in the boxes correspond to the numbered motifs in the upper part of the figure, where small numbers indicate high conservation. The numbers on the bottom show the approximate locations of each motif on the protein sequence, starting from the N‐terminus. (A) The most common six motif patterns which presented in 102 OBPs, with each motif pattern present in more than nine OBPs; the remaining 97 OBPs had 45 different motif patterns, with each of them presented in less than 10 OBPs. (B) The four most common motif patterns which presented in 75 CSPs, with each motif pattern present in more than four CSPs; the remaining 28 CSPs had 13 different motif patterns, with each of them presented in less than five CSPs. The protein names and sequences of the 199 OBPs and 103 CSPs from 18 different Hemiptera species are listed in Supporting Information Table S3. [Colour figure can be viewed at]