Number and proportion of noun phrase utterances across languages in the PR-CMT corpus.
NP Type | Example | N | Proportion |
Spanish NPs | el carro | 437 | 0.498 |
English NPs | the car | 268 | 0.305 |
Mixed NPs | el car | 173 | 0.197 |
Total | 878 | 1.00 |
For mixed NPs, all but three tokens (“la balloon,” “la guitar,” “the rueda” English: ballon, guitar, and wheel, respectively) were comprised of a Spanish masculine determiner and an English noun, replicating the well-documented asymmetry with respect to grammatical gender and switching direction (Poplack, 1980; Valdés Kroff, 2016; Beatty-Martínez et al., 2018; Casielles-Suárez, 2018; cf. Blokzijl et al., 2017).