Figure 3|. Sequence-correlated HVC neurons reflect within-phrase timing.
a. Activity of context-sensitive ROIs (y-axis, bar marks 50 rows) is time-warped to fixed phrase edges (x-axis, white lines) and averaged across repetitions of short-syllable phrases. Traces are ordered by their peak timing to reveal the span of the phrase time frame. b,c. Example raw Δf/f0 traces (y-axis, vertical bars equal 0.1) of 8 ROIs during phrase types that precede (b) and follow (c) the complex transition in Figure 1. Traces are aligned to phrase onsets (green line, sonograms show the syllables) and panels show ROIs with various onset timing across the phrase. Red lines and blue box plots show the median, range, and quartiles of the phrase offset timing (top to bottom: N = 70,23,55,39,40,38,50,31 phrases summarized by the box plots). d. Histograms showing the distribution of peak timing (left), onset timing (middle) and signal durations (right) of the activity in panel a relative to the phrase edges (dashed lines).