FIG 3.
Conjugated linoleic acid is significantly higher in consumers than nonconsumers. (a) Partial least squares discriminatory analysis (PLS-DA) of untargeted mass spectrometry data identified CLA as one of the discriminating features in fermented food consumer samples. (b) Zero-centered counts of MS1 features annotated with a CLA isomer (designated “CLA4”) and with the unconjugated linoleic acid (LA) between consumers and nonconsumers. “CLA4” is enriched in the consumer group (Wilcoxon test, P value = 0.04) but not LA (Wilcoxon test, P value = 0.52). (c) Integrative analysis of metagenomics and mass spectrometry data sets using mmvec. Genome features (dots) are labeled according to their strength of change with respect to fermented food consumption (red is associated with consumption, blue with nonconsumption). The metabolites are represented by arrows indicating their cooccurrences with the genomes.