Pharmacological rescue of long-term retention of object recognition memory by XE991 and its effective time window. A, Schematic drawing showing three types of administration schedules of XE991 (XE; 2 mg/kg) during object recognition tests. B–D, Summary of total exploration times during training sessions for WT and Kv7.2(S559A) mice with injection of PBS veh control or XE991 at pre-training (B), post-training (C), or pre-test (D). E–G, Summary of total exploration times during test sessions of WT and Kv7.2(S559A) mice with the injection of veh control or XE991 at pre-training (E), post-training (F), or pre-test (G). H–J, Performance in novel object recognition task as discrimination indexes in WT and Kv7.2(S559A) mice with injection of veh control or XE991 at pre-training (H), post-training (I), or pre-test (J). Each data point represents a different animal. Results are shown as the mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001; *p < 0.05; ns, p > 0.05.