Table 10.
Illustrative quotes related to using the professional web tool: perceived benefits.
Id | Concern | Interviewee | Quote | ||
B1 | Patient information quality | Dietician, C4 | “That the patient can record in the app and we can see like what they have eaten so that we have a very close follow-up of what the patient eats and also when he/she reports the Creon dosage we can see if it corresponds to the theoretical Creon dosage and also that we can see symptoms. If the patient report symptoms, like nausea or diarrhoea, we have close follow-up. We can see it and we can contact patients if we see abnormalities.” | ||
B2 | Identifying habits | Dietician, C1 | “[Now, we] Really know what they eat. With the [paper food] records we used [before the app], it was harder to interpret. And, now it is more accessible. It is useful too, to see if they change eating habits depending on whether it's weekend, midweek, holidays; because this with the [paper] records is a bit difficult to see.” | ||
B3 | Patient information quality | Dietician, C6 | “In some case that I have some doubts about what the patient tells me, I control and know the two information. It was helpful to control what they have told you yes, in some case it is important to have feedback from the PWT [...] No, I don’t think we have more information, maybe we have more correct information.” | ||
B4 | Personalized advice | Dietician, C1 | Do you think you are giving a better service?a Much better of course, especially personalized, which I think is what they most have noticed. Make it something for them, in real time and according to what they eat. | ||
B5 | Saving time: when contacting patients | Dietician, C2 | “Sometimes it takes a lot of time because you call them in the morning, you get their voicemail, you leave a message in the voicemail, [...]. And in the afternoon, they have not called you back, so you call again. And every time before you call them you do check their dossier for how they are doing. So, you are actually reading on a patient again every time before you call them. And then they don’t pick up, I waisted another 5 minutes. It would be easy to communicate with the web tool for patients that really need that closer follow-up [...] And now I could see before the consultation already what they were eating, so it took me less time during the consultation to ask about that. Because I already knew a bit what their eating habits are.” | ||
B6 | Saving time: from paper records to digital records | Doctor, C3 | So during the trial you did not use the diet paper questionnaires you were used to?a “At the beginning yes, for comparing. But after, we did not use it, because we had the applications. It is much faster. Better data and faster.” | ||
B7 | Saving time: reduced workload before and during consultation, no longer need for manual calculation | Dietician, C1 | Do you think that the web tool helps you do your daily job?a “Yes, it makes it easier, more enjoyable, I save time. [...] The app does our function a bit. For example, it took half an hour to explain the dietary record from the last 3 months ago. Now the app tells it, but in real time. The content of the app is very useful because if the food record shows that the patient has not an adequate nutritional intake, he is redirected to the corresponding chapter in the educational content. And he does not search other sources, that is also important. Time is saved before consultation because the graphics show what is happening and it is easy to identify why. And then during the consultation, because you have already explained [the patient] with the app what he is doing wrong or good. [...] So above all, the nutritional control [is helpful], and for me the most important, the calculation of the nutritional intake, because up to now it was done using a manual spreadsheet. So I save time.” | ||
B8 | Saving time in yearly control | Doctor, C2 | Would it be useful for the yearly control?a “I think that would be very practical, yes. We now use food records on paper. If we had them electronically and could calculate automatically, that would be a good application.” | ||
B9 | Closer relationship, dialogue | Doctor, C2 | “But if you really see the hard data, that is something you can really share with them, like “look what is happening”, you can start a conversation about it, it is not that you want to blame them but more “let’s see what is happening” and can we think together about the solution on how you can improve your compliance [...], but as a tool for a clinician it is great and it can really improve your practice and can give more information to have like a real useful conversation and to find more in partnership with parents and patients.” | ||
B10 | Tighter follow-up, closer relationship | Dietician, C2 | Do you know the patient better?b“Not really, it’s just that you follow them more and are in more contact... Maybe that’s because they are participating in the study, that you are helping them with things, you reach out to them to ask about the app, how it is going. That’s the kind of stuff that makes the connection closer. I don’t really think that the connection is closer just because they use the app. Some of the patients I did not speak with a lot, the app was fine, they did not have questions.” |
aText in italics are questions to health care professionals.