. 2020 Jul 5;9(7):e17939. doi: 10.2196/17939
©Jonathan Hill, Stefannie Garvin, Ying Chen, Vincent Cooper, Simon Wathall, Bernadette Bartlam, Benjamin Saunders, Martyn Lewis, Joanne Protheroe, Adrian Chudyk, Hollie Birkinshaw, Kate M Dunn, Sue Jowett, Raymond Oppong, Elaine Hay, Danielle van der Windt, Christian Mallen, Nadine E Foster. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (http://www.researchprotocols.org), 05.07.2020.
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Figure 2.
Details of the trial recruitment template. GP: general practice; MSK: musculoskeletal; Q: question.