Table 1.
A summary of patient-reported data collected.
Conceptual domain | Operational definition | Empirical measure | Number of items | Time | |
Primary outcome | |||||
Pain intensity | Usual pain intensity | NRSa 0-10 | 1 | GPTb, Ic, 6FUd, MFe, and MDCf |
Secondary outcomes | |||||
Risk status—Start MSKg Tool | Risk of persistent disabling pain | Yes/no | 9 | I and 6FU |
MSK health | Impact from MSK symptoms | MSK-HQh, 5-point Likert scale | 14 | I and 6FU |
Overall rating of change | Change since MSK pain consultation | −5 to +5 scale | 1 | I and 6FU |
Physical activity level | Days past week of moderate activity | 1-7 days | 1 | I and 6FU |
Fear-avoidance beliefs | Fear of movement | Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-11 | 11 | I and 6FU |
Satisfaction | Satisfaction with care | 5-point Likert scale | 1 | I and 6FU |
Perceived reassurance from general practitioner consultation | Patient-perceived reassurance 4 subscales: information gathering, relationship building, generic reassurance, and cognitive reassurance | 12 items with 7-point Likert scale | 12 | I |
Receipt of written education material from general practitioner | Single item to ask if patient received written information at their general practitioner visit | Yes/no/don’t remember | 1 | I |
Pain self-efficacy | Single item: confidence to manage pain | NRS 0-10 | 1 | I and MF |
Psychological distress | Single item regarding level of distress | NRS 0-10 | 1 | I and MF |
Site-specific function depending on MSK pain site | |||||
Back pain function | Physical function | RMDQi – original version | 24 | I and 6FU |
Neck pain function | Physical function | NDIj | 10 | I and 6FU |
Shoulder pain function | Physical function | SPADIk | 13 | I and 6FU |
Knee pain function | Physical function | KOOS-PSl | 7 | I and 6FU |
Multisite pain function | Physical function | SF-12 PCSm | 12 | I and 6FU |
Quality of life measures | |||||
Health-related quality of life | Utility-based quality of life | EuroQol-5D | 5 | I, 6FU, and MDC |
Health care costs | |||||
Health care resource use | Use of primary care, other National Health Service services, and private health care | Yes/no and if yes details of resources used | 3 | 6FU |
Performance at work | How productivity at work is affected | NRS 0-10 | 1 | I and 6FU |
Absenteeism from work | Number of days absent from work | Yes/no and details | 1 | I and 6FU |
Patient descriptors | |||||
Age | Age at MSK consultation | Date of birth | 1 | GP T |
Sex | Sex | Male/female | 1 | GP T |
Employment status and absence from work | Employment status at time of questionnaire | Yes/no and details | 1 | I and 6FU |
Socioeconomic status | The individual’s current or most recent job title | Job title: categorized as manual/nonmanual | 2 | I |
MSK pain location | Site of MSK pain complaint | Choice of anatomical region | 1 | GP T |
Episode duration | Time since last whole month pain free | Episode duration | 1 | I |
Health literacy screen | Health literacy | Single question: Likert scale | 1 | I |
Comorbidities | Other diagnosed comorbidities to select from a list | Yes | 1 | I |
Support needed | Who has completed the questionnaire | Patient/carer/staff/other | 1 | I |
Living arrangements | Lives alone | Yes/no | 1 | I |
Previous episodes | Number of previous pain episodes | Number | 1 | I |
aNRS: numerical rating scale.
bGP T: GP template.
cI: initial questionnaire.
d6FU: 6-month follow-up.
eMF: monthly follow-up.
fMDC: minimal data collection.
gMSK: musculoskeletal.
hMSK HQ: Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire.
iRMDQ: Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire.
jNDI: Neck Disability Index.
kSPADI: Shoulder Pain and Disability Index.
lKOOS-PS: Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score-Physical Function Shortform.
mSF-12 PCS: Short-Form 12 Physical Component Scale.