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. 2020 Jul 5;19:100605. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100605

Table 7.

Table of Abbreviations

Acronym Full name
CRT cluster randomized trial
ICC intracluster correlation coefficient
GEE generalized estimating equations
QIF quadratic inference function
GMM generalized method of moments
HALI health and literacy intervention
IQR interquartile range
SD standard deviation
TGI the godambe infomration criterion
DGP data generating process
CS correlation structure in the data generating process
MM mean model in the data generating process
CS0 fixed-regular exchangeable correlation structure
CS1 regular exchangeable correlation structure
CS2 cluster-specific exchangeable correlation structure
CS3 cluster-specific exchangeable with sub-clustering correlation structure
MM1 intervention-arm only model
MM2 intervention-arm with 4 covariates model
RBS relative bias
SE standard error
ESE empirical standard error
MRSE mean robust standard error
PR power ratio
Q/G quadratic inference function relative to generalized estimating equations
QIFMD quadratic inference function with the Mancl-DeRouen bias-correction method
QIFKC quadratic inference function with the Kauermann-Carroll bias-correction method
GEEind generalized estimating equations using independence working correlation
GEEexc generalized estimating equations using exchangeable working correlation
QIFindMD quadratic inference function with Mancl-DeRouen bias correction and independence
QIFindKC quadratic inference function with Kauermann-Carroll bias correction and independence
QIFexcMD quadratic inference function with Mancl-DeRouen bias correction and exchangeable
QIFexcKC quadratic inference function with Kauermann-Carroll bias correction and exchangeable