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. 2020 Jul 24;5:67. doi: 10.1038/s41541-020-00215-1

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients (n = 17) included in the final analysis and pretransplant and posttransplant details of their allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

Characteristics of HSCT recipients Total number %
Underlying disease
 Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) 12 70.6
 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2 11.8
 Lymphoma 2 11.8
 Aplastic anemia 1 5.9
Conditioning regimen
 Myeloablative 8 47.1
 Reduced intensity 9 52.9
 Peripheral blood stem cells 16 94.1
 Bone marrow 1 5.9
 Related donor 9 52.9
 Unrelated donor 8 47.1
HLA match
 Match 16 94.1
 Mismatch 1 5.9
EBMT score32
 Score ≤2 (low risk) 6 35.3
 Score >2 (high risk) 11 64.7
Previous HSCT
 First HSCT 14 82.4
 Previous allogeneic HSCT 1 5.9
 Previous autologous HSCT 2 11.8
 No immunosuppressive therapy 6 35.3
 Immunosuppressive therapyb 11 64.7
 Corticosteroids 4 23.5
 Cyclosporine 7 41.2
 Tacrolimus 1 5.9
 Sirolimus 1 5.9
Severity of prior acute GvHD
 None 13 76.5
 I–II 3 17.6
 III–IV 1 5.9
Chronic GvHD
 None 5 29.4
 I–II (mild to moderate) 12 70.6
 III–IV (severe) 0 0
Affected organsb
 Skin 4 23.5
 Mucosa 4 23.5
 Liver 9 52.9
 Eyes 2 11.8
Comorbidities prior vaccination
 Cardiovascular disease 4 23.5
 Diabetes mellitus 2 11.8
 Thrombosis or embolism 3 17.6

aImmunosuppressive therapy at the time of first vaccination.

bMore than one possible.

EBMT European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, GvHD graft-versus-host disease, HLA human leukocyte antigen.