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. 2020 Apr 21;8(7):3200–3211. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.1580


Major peaks of the mass spectroscopy of the dye extracts of calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa

Dye extract Peaks (m/z)
Positive Negative
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
CM 118.080 203.051 245.024 189.0059 379.0166 407.0451
HM 118.079 245.025 203.051 189.0048 379.0153 407.0465
CMA 203.052 118.085 245.026 189.0062 379.0172 221.0316
HMA 118.084 203.052 245.026 189.0066 379.0172 351.0578
CW 118.086 597.146 219.027 189.0038 207.0145 351.0566
HW 203.053 118.084 219.027 189.0079 379.0169 207.0182
BW 203.052 383.1152 118.085 189.0051 210.9869 353.0872

Abbreviations: BW, boiling distilled water dye extract; CM, cold methanol dye extract; CMA, cold acidified methanol dye extract; CW, cold distilled water dye extract; HM, hot methanol dye extract; HMA, hot acidified methanol dye extract; HW, hot distilled water dye extract.