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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Jul 25.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Rep. 2020 Jul 7;32(1):107860. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107860


Anti-Myc Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-40; RRID:AB_627268
Anti-Flag (M2) Sigma-Aldrich F3165–5MG; RRID:AB_259529
Anti-HA Cell Signaling Technology 3724S; RRID:AB_1549585
Anti-hemagglutinin (HA) Covance MMS-101P; RRID:AB_439687
Anti-LATS1 Cell Signaling Technology 3477S; RRID:AB_2133513
Anti-phospho-LATS1 (T1079) Cell Signaling Technology 8654S; RRID:AB_10971635
Anti-phospho-YAP (S127) Cell Signaling Technology 4911S; RRID:AB_2218913
Anti-STRN4 Bethyl laboratories A304–573A-T; RRID:AB_2782004
Anti-YAP Wang et al., 2011 N/A
Anti-YAP Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-101199; RRID:AB_1131430
Anti-YAP Cell Signaling Technology 14074S; RRID:AB_2650491
Anti-α-tubulin Sigma-Aldrich T6199–200UL; RRID:AB_477583
Anti-β-actin Sigma-Aldrich A5441–100UL; RRID:AB_476744
Bacterial and Virus Strains
DH5α competent E. coli Laboratory of Junjie Chen N/A
BL21 competent E. coli Laboratory of Junjie Chen N/A
DB3.1 competent E. coli Laboratory of Junjie Chen N/A
Biological Samples
Endometrial cancer tissue arrays US Biomax, Inc T091 and EMC1502
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
Hexadimethrine bromide (Polybrene) Sigma Aldrich Cat# H9268
4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) Sigma Aldrich Cat# D9542
TRIzol Thermo Fisher Cat# 15596026
Power SYBR Green PCR master mix Thermo Fisher Cat# 4367659
Streptavidin-conjugated beads GE Healthcare Cat# 17-5113-01
Biotin Sigma Aldrich Cat# B4639
S protein beads Novagen Cat# 69704
Growth factor-reduced BD Matrigel matrix BD Biosciences Cat# 354230
Polyethylenimine VWR Cat# 87001–912
Critical Commercial Assays
Gateway BP Clonase Enzyme Mix for BP assay Thermo Fisher Cat# 11789021
Gateway LR Clonase Enzyme Mix for LR assay Thermo Fisher Cat# 11791043
Script Reverse Transcription Supermix Kit for reverse transcription assay Bio Rad Cat# 1708841
Deposited Data
Proteomic data ProteomeXchange Consortium database Project identifier: PXD016931
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
HEK293T ATCC, MD Anderson Cancer Center (Junjie Chen Lab) N/A
MCF10A ATCC, MD Anderson Cancer Center (Junjie Chen Lab) N/A
HEK293A Thermo Fisher and MD Anderson Cancer Center (Jae-Il Park Lab) N/A
MDA11, KLE, AN3CA, MFE296, MFE319, RL95–2 University of New South Wales (Kyle Hoehn Lab), Moffitt Cancer Center (Doug Marchion Lab) and University of Virginia (Hui Li Lab) N/A
HEC1A, HEC1B MD Anderson Cancer Center (Characterized Cell Line Core Facility) N/A
STRN4 guide RNAs, see Table S5 This paper N/A
qPCR primers, see Table S5 This paper N/A
Recombinant DNA
Lenti Guide-Puro vector Sanjana et al., 2014 Addgene #52963
Lenti Cas9-Blast construct Sanjana et al., 2014 Addgene #52962
pLKO-YAP shRNA Zhao et al., 2008 Addgene #27369
Lenti-MAP4K1-SFB This paper N/A
Lenti-MAP4K2-SFB This paper N/A
Lenti-MAP4K3-SFB This paper N/A
Lenti-MAP4K4-SFB This paper N/A
Lenti-MAP4K5-SFB This paper N/A
Lenti-MAP4K6-SFB This paper N/A
Lenti-MAP4K7-SFB This paper N/A
SFB-STRN4-Full length (1–753 amino acids) This paper N/A
SFB-STRN4-ΔNT (136–753 amino acids) This paper N/A
SFB-STRN4-ΔCC (1–68, 137–753 amino acids) This paper N/A
SFB-STRN4-ΔMD (1–136, 436–753 amino acids) This paper N/A
SFB-STRN4-DWD (1–435 amino acids) This paper N/A
MBP-LATS1-C3 Han et al., 2018 N/A
Software and Algorithms
Optimized CRISPR Design CHOPCHOP website
ImageJ ImageJ Software RRID: SCR_003070
Ingenuity Pathway software Ingenuity Systems