Figure 1.
How to create a stomach tube. A, On the lesser curvature side, lymph node dissection including blood vessels of three branches from the afferent region of the left gastric artery is performed. Then, the greater omentum is dissected at a position about 5 cm distal to the right gastroepiploic artery and from the point of intersection of the left and right gastroepiploic arteries to the left side, and the entire greater omentum is then dissected along the gastric wall. B, Separate the pancreatic anterior fascia and physiological gastric adhesion sufficiently to increase elevation of the gastric tube. C, Kocher's mobilization is required to sufficiently elevate the stomach. D, Stapling: first, the operator fully extends his/her hands in the lengthwise direction, and then the assistant operator pulls the esophagus at right angles to that (this step must be followed). E, After creating the anastomosis, pull the stomach to the ventral side, especially the greater curvature side, and secure the stomach with three stitches in the crura of the diaphragm. F, Finally, a 12 french neraton catheter is placed as an information drain from the neck to the anastomotic site