Fig. 4. Tumor growth rates, vascular function, and hypoxia in various drug-treated FGF-2+ and control fibrosarcomas.
a Expression levels of FGF-2 protein in T241-vector and T241-FGF-2 tumors (n = 3; P(Vector vs FGF-2) = 0.0012). b Tumor growth of vehicle- and anti-VEGF-treated T241-vector (n = 7, 10) and T241-FGF-2 (n = 6; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs anti-VEGF-treated-vector) < 0.0001). c Tumor growth of vehicle- and imatinib-treated T241-vector (n = 7, 10; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs imatinib-treated-vector) = 0.0057) and T241-FGF-2 (n = 6, 7). d Tumor growth of vehicle- and anti-VEGF plus imatinib-treated T241-vector (n = 7, 10; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs combination-treated-vector) < 0.0001) and T241-FGF-2 (n = 6, 7; P(Vehicle-treated-FGF-2 vs combination-treated-FGF-2) < 0.0001). e Vascular perfusion of 2000 kDa dextran (blue) stained with CD31+ microvessels (red) of various therapy-treated T241-vector and T241-FGF-2. Bar = 50 μm. f Vascular permeability of 70 kDa dextran (blue) stained with CD31+ microvessels (red) of various therapy-treated T241-vector and T241-FGF-2. Arrowheads indicate the extravasated dextran. Bar = 50 μm. g Quantification of vascular perfusion of vehicle-, anti-VEGF-, imatinib- and combination therapy-treated T241-vector and T241-FGF-2 fibrosarcomas (n(Vector) = 15/13/15/15; n(FGF-2) = 10/15/15/13; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs anti-VEGF-treated-vector) = 0.0032; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs imatinib-treated-vector) = 0.0054; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs combination-treated-vector) = 0.0001; P(Vehicle-treated-FGF-2 vs combination-treated-FGF-2) = 0.0009). h Quantification of vascular permeability of vehicle-, anti-VEGF-, imatinib-, and combination therapy-treated T241-vector and T241-FGF-2 (n(Vector) = 10/12/10/11; n(FGF-2) = 10 each; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs anti-VEGF-treated-vector) = 0.0093; P(Vehicle-treated-FGF-2 vs anti-VEGF-treated-FGF-2) = 0.0303; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs imatinib-treated-vector) = 0.0334; P(Vehicle-treated-FGF-2 vs imatinib-treated-FGF-2) = 0.0055; P(Vehicle-treated-vector vs combination-treated-vector) = 0.0136; P(Vehicle-treated-FGF-2 vs combination-treated-FGF-2) = 0.0453). i Pimonidazole+ hypoxic signals (green) in various therapy-treated T241-vector and T241-FGF-2. Bar = 100 μm. j Quantification of pimonidazole+ hypoxic signals of vehicle-, anti-VEGF-, imatinib- and combination therapy-treated T241-vector and T241-FGF-2. (n(Vector) = 8/9/12/7; n(FGF-2) = 9/9/11/9;). FGF-2- = vector cancers; FGF-2+ = FGF-2 cancers; n.s. = Not significant; two-tailed t-test. The exact P-values indicate in a figure. a–d; n indicates individual mice. Data presented as mean ± s.e.m. g, h, j; Data presented as mean from random fields of 4 animals/group ± s.e.m. Experiments were repeated twice. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.