Figure 1.
VEGF-elicited survival of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). (A–C) Calcein-positive RGCs cultured for 6 DIV in control medium (A), conditioned medium from mesenchymal stem cells (CM-MSC) (B), or CM-MSC containing a rabbit polyclonal anti-VEGF-A164 antibody (C). (D) RGC survival in CM-MSC, with or without the rabbit polyclonal anti-VEGF-A164 antibody. (E) Linear correlation between VEGF-A164 concentration in CM-MSC and RGC survival. Each point corresponds to an independent experiment. (F) RGC survival in the control medium, in conditioned medium from mixed retinal cells (CM-M), in CM-M plus the anti-VEGF antibody, or in control medium plus the anti-VEGF antibody alone. (G) Survival of RGCs cultured in control medium, CM-M, CM-M plus an anti-NF200 antibody, or control medium plus the anti-NF200 antibody. Data (means ± SEM) are normalized to the control condition in independent cultures (n = 4 in D, E; n = 11 in F; n = 6 in G). RGCs were seeded at initial density of 8000 cells/well. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, and *p < 0.05 as compared to the control group, and ##p < 0.01 compared between indicated groups (Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA followed by a Dunns post-hoc test).