Fig. 5.
Interaction between porcine viperin and the PEDV N protein. (a) Co-localization of viperin and N after infection of IPEC-J2 cells with PEDV (bar: 11 µm). (b) Co-localization of viperin and N (bar: 11 µm) detected by confocal microscopy after transfection of IPEC-J2 cells with viperin and PEDV N overexpression plasmids. (c). Interaction between viperin and N detected by immunoprecipitation after transfection of IPEC-J2 cells with overexpression plasmids for viperin and PEDV N. (d) IPEC-J2 cells transfected with viperin and PEDV N overexpression plasmids. No interaction between viperin and Nsp13 or, Nsp16 was detected by immunoprecipitation