Figure 2. Pregnancy-Primed CD8+ T Cells Are Cytolytic and Capable of Robust Secondary Re-expansion.
(A) Schematic showing transfer of splenocytes from Act-OVA mice on the C57BL/6 (H-2b) background into each group of mice, including virgin control and PP21 mice after allogeneic pregnancy sired by Act-OVA (postpartum OVA+) or non-transgenic male mice on the BALB/c background.
(B) Absolute number (left) or normalized ratio (right) of OVA+ splenocytes recovered from the spleen and pooled peripheral lymph nodes 7 days following transfer into each group of mice described in (A).
(C) Number of H-2Kb:OVA257–264 CD8+ T cells in the spleen and pooled peripheral lymph nodes and fold expansion from pre-transfer levels for mice described in (A).
(D) Schematic showing transfer peptide-loaded target cells, their relative persistence, and calculated percent lysis of target cells loaded with OVA257–264 (CFSEhi) compared with irrelevant control peptide (Zika virus NS5 227–234 peptide; CFSElo) 48 h following adoptive transfer into female virgin compared with PP21 mice after allogeneic pregnancy sired by Act-OVA males on the BALB/c background.
Data are from at least 3 independent experiments, each with similar results, with each point representing data from an individual mouse.
Bar, mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.005.