Category | Description | Example |
1. Generalised severity no/mild/moderate/severe/extreme |
The most severe generalised grade comes first | Generalised mild tooth wear |
2. Localised severity no/mild/moderate/severe/extreme |
It is subsequently combined, if applicable, with a different localised grade | Generalised mild tooth wear and localised severe tooth wear |
3. Pathology no/yes |
Tooth wear is “pathological” if it is moderate, severe or extreme AND at least one of the criteria from Table 3 | Generalised mild tooth wear and localised severe pathological tooth wear |
4. Origin
The origin is either “mainly” or “partially” mechanical or chemical, depending if ≥ 50% or < 50% of the clinical signs of Table 3 indicate the cause respectively; and “both” in case of mechanical and chemical being both ≥ 50% |
Mild generalised tooth wear and severe localised pathological tooth wear, mainly mechanical and partially chemical |