Tooth Wear Screening:
Quantification (Table 1)
Tooth Wear Status, obligatory:
Quantification (Table 2 and Table 3)
5‐point ordinal scale for occlusal and incisal grading per tooth (original) optional: 8‐point ordinal scale for occlusal and incisal grading per tooth (original)
5‐point ordinal scale for non‐occlusal and non‐incisal grading per tooth (adapted)
Determining aetiology by clinical signs (adapted) (Table 3)
Detection of pathological signs and symptoms (added) (Table 3)
Tooth Wear Status, optional:
Quantification of clinical crown length of sextant 2 and sextant 5 (TWES 1.0)
Structured oral history taking, use of relevant questionnaires (TWES 1.0)
Salivary analysis (TWES 1.0)
Recording of tooth wear by intra‐oral photographs, dental casts, intra‐oral scanner)
(TWES 1.0)
Treatment/management Status:
Assessment of the level of difficulty (TWES 1.0)