“fear of disease progression” “health worry” OR “health fear” OR “health anxiety” OR “fear of recurrence” AND chronic illness
“health worry” OR “health fear” OR “health anxiety” OR “fear of recurrence” AND chronic disease
“health worry” OR “health fear” OR “health anxiety” OR “fear of recurrence” AND stroke OR diabetes OR cardi* OR asthma OR epilepsy OR parkinson OR hiv
“health worry” OR “health fear” OR “health anxiety” OR “fear of recurrence” AND cancer OR neoplasm
“health worry” OR “health fear” OR “health anxiety” OR “fear of recurrence” AND multiple sclerosis OR irritable bowel disease OR arthritis OR chronic kidney disease OR end-stage renal*
“cardiac anxiety”
“heart-focused anxiety”
“fear of hypoglycemia” AND diabetes
“fear of shock” AND implantable cardioverter defibrillatora
“fear” AND implantable cardioverter defibrillatora
“fear of dyspnea” AND (COPD OR asthma)
“fear of seizure” AND epilepsy
“fear of falling” AND Parkinson
“fear of pain” AND cancer OR neoplasm
“fear of pain” AND chronic paina