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. 2020 Jul 27;15(7):e0234124. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234124

Table 5. Overall studies reporting on prevalence (%) of health anxiety by chronic illness.

Disease (k) Mode of determination (k) Range of prevalence Author Reported prevalence Determination of prevalence scores
Cancer (58) 0–86
Cut-off (20) 4.3–70 Aghdam et al., 2014 [31] 49.6 Scale literature on FoP-Q-SF for “high FoP”
Anderson et al., 2014 [134] 8 Scale literature cut-off for MAX-PC for “clinical fear of recurrence”
Butow et al., 2014 [32] 44 Scale literature on FCRI for “clinical fear of cancer recurrence”
Custers et al., 2013 [135] 51 Scale literature on CWS for "high fear of recurrenc"
Custers et al., 2014 [33] ROC curve determing cut-off for high fear of recurrence for the CWS using 2-item CAS
31 CWS
40 CAS
Dinkel et al., 2014 [35] 20 80th percentile on FoP-Q determined by authors
Ghazali et al., 2013 [36] 35 Established algorithm on 7-item scale identifying “significant fear of recurrence”
Halbach et al., 2016 [140] 16.9 1 SD above the mean on the FoP-Q-SF
Hefner et al., 2016 [150] 16.2 1 SD above the mean on the FoP-Q-SF
Hinz et al., 2015 [137] 16.7 Scale literature cut-off for FoP-Q-12
Jones et al., 2014 [5] 23.4 Scale literature on SHAI for “clinically signifikant health anxiety”
Lebel et al., 2013 [38] 58.3 Established in FCRI literature for “clinically elevated fear of cancer recurrence”
Liu et al., 2011 [61] Sclae literature cut-off for CARS
24.8 Moderate
4.3 High
Mehnert et al., 2013 [41] 18.1 1 SD above the mean on the FoP-Q-SF
Petzel et al., 2012 [45] 28–37 Established in FCRI literature for “fear of cancer recurrence”
Rylands et al.,2016 [156] 23 Highest quartile on seven-item scale
Sarkar et al., 2014 [47] 36 ROC curve analyses for determination of cut-off for "high fear of recurrence" on the FoP-Q-SF
Savard & Ivers, 2013 [48] 44.0–56.1 Scale literature for FCRI “clinical levels of fear of cancer recurrence”
Simard & Savard, 2015 [68] 42 Clinical level of fear of cancer recurrence identified by interview SIFCR
Thewes et al., 2013 [52] 70 Scale literature for FCRI “clinical levels of fear of cancer recurrence”
Item severity (23) 0–69.2 Cho et al., 2017 [138] Items means at “somewhat” or “very much” on ASC subscale fear of recurrence
36.1 Moderate to high
13 High
Cutshall et al., 2015 [147] 52 One item fear of cancer recurrence response "somewhat or a lot bothersome"
De Padova et al., 2011 [139] One item fear of cancer recurrence
58 None/a little
26 Quite a lot
16 A lot
De Vries et al., 2014 [34] Responses to question "anxious about the possibility that the cancer may return":
11 Not at all
74 A little
11 Somewhat
0 A lot/very much
Fang et al., 2017 [148] 48 VAS used to identify "moderate" to "high" fear of cancer recurrence
Fisher et al., 2016 [149] 50 "Agree" or "strongly agree" on the item "have fear about my cancer coming back"
Handschel et al., 2012 [146] Responses to one item on fear of recurrence:
19.5 Not at all
30.1 Little
27.9 Moderate
16.1 Strong
6.4 Very strong
Janz et al., 2011 [151] Mean on items assessing worry about recurrence:
14 Not at all
32 A little bit
25 Somewhat
16 Quite a bit
14 Very much
Jones et al., 2017 [58] Response to item about worry about cancer coming back or getting worse
16.2 Never
24.5 Rarely
39.7 Sometimes
14.7 Often
4.9 All the time
Koch et al., 2014 [106] Established on scale literature of FoP-Q-SF
82 Low
11 Moderate
6 High
Koch-Gallenkamp et al., 2016 [59] Established on scale literature of FoP-Q-SF
87 Low
9 Moderate
4 High
Maguire et al., 2017 [62] Score standardized 0 to 100
61.0 Scoring above 25
18.6 Scoring above 50
Manne et al., 2016 [63] Group-based trajectory model using CARS
25.5 Low-stable
25.3 High-decreasing
49.1 High-stable
Matthew et al., 2017 [152] Responses to author designed 5-item scale
36.8–62.2 Not at all
48.8–51.2 Mild
34.7–65.3 Moderate
30.8–69.2 Severe
Moye et al., 2014 [43] Indicating "sometimes" to "always" for items:
44 fear of cancer coming back
32.5 fear of another cancer
39 fear of future diagnostic tests
Myers et al., 2013 [145] 47 "Moderate-to-high" recurrence fears endorsed on CARS
Ness et al., 2013 [141] Indicating severity on item on fear of recurrence:
63 Any level
17 Extreme
O’Malley et al., 2017 [153] Responses on single item on fear of cancer recurrence:
12.3 Almost never
17.9 Not very much
45.9 Sometimes
23.9 Very often
Pedersen et al., 2012 [142] Indicating severity on item on worry about risk of recurrence:
47.2 A little
19.3 Quite a bit
8.5 Very much
Rogers et al., 2016 [66] New single item and 7-item scale assessing fear of recurrence
12 Single item: No fear
49 Single item: A little fear
29 Single item: Sometimes having fearful thoughts
5 Single item: A lot of fears
5 Singel item: Fearful all the time
8–23 7-item measure: "a lot" or "all the time"
Rogers et al., 2017 [155] Responses on single item measure on fear of recurrence:
9.3 No fear
42.0 A little fear
34.6 Sometimes having fearful thoughts
9.3 A lot of fear
4.9 Fearful all the time
10–19 Responses to seven item scale "a lot" or "all the time"
Smith et al., 2016 [157] 30 Reporting "very much" or "quite a bit" of fear of recurrence on single item
Tewari et al., 2014 [143] Severity of score on frequency of worrying about cancer coming back:
28.5 Rarely
19.5 Sometimes
5.2 Often
1.9 Always
Waters et al., 2013 [144] Indicating on item “worried about progression”:
69.8 Not at all
16.0 A little
10.4 Somewhat
3.3 Quite a bit
0.4 Very much
No cut-off (11) 18–86 Befort et al., 2011 [158] 52 Yes/no to “any fear of recurrence” from checklist of symptoms
Cheng et al., 2014 [162] 18 Reported unmet need of fears of cancer spreading
Kanatas et al., 2013 [159] 33 Percentage of clinic appointments when fear of cancer coming back was mentioned
Posluszny et al., 2016 [154] 86 "Yes"on at least one out of three yes/no items
Schlairet, 2011 [160] 73.2 Participants identifying “fear of recurrence”
Scott et al., 2013 [161] 25–52 Self-report for “any fear of cancer recurrence”
Shay et al., 2016 [67] 85.2/79.7 Yes/no item on fear of recurrence in younger/ older cancer survivors
Taylor et al., 2012 [49] 67 Minimal possible score of “at least some fear of recurrence”
Van Liew et al., 2012 [136] 60.1 “Clinically significant levels of fear of recurrence” using FCRI with cut-off not reported
van Londen et al., 2014 [163] 67 Yes/no fear of cancer recurrence identified as concern
Wells et al., 2015 [164] 48 Report concerns of fear of cancer recurrence
Not specified (3) 51–80 Moretto et al., 2014 [165] 80 Unspecified fear of recurrence
Naidoo et al., 2013 [166] 69 Unclear fear of recurrence
Pandya et al., 2011 [167] 51 Unspecified feared recurrence
Cardiac diseases (8) 11–48.6
Cut-off (2) 31–48.6 Bunz et al., 2016 [98] 48.6 90th percentile of CAQ score in the general population
Hoyer et al., 2008 [90] 31 2 SD above the mean of the non-cardiac comparison group for “clinically elevated cardiac anxiety” on CAQ
Item severity (5) 11–19 Koivula et al., 2010 [171] "High" fear on CHDPF items for fear of:
19 Uncertainty about illness
15 Deterioration of coronary heart disease
12 Myocardial infarction
Pauli et al., 1999 [173] Fear of dying before AICD implantation:
59 None
23 Some
18 Definite
Rosman et al., 2015 [99] "Often" or "always" on CAQ items:
17.6 If tests come out normal, I still worry about my heart.
14.6 I worry that I may have a heart attack.
Schuster et al., 1998 [172] Fear of death identified in concerns list:
62 None
18 Slight
10 Moderate
3 Quite a bit
8 Extreme
van Beek et al., 2012 [96] Groups identified by latent class analysis
30.4 Continuously low
45.4 Continuously medium
7.7 Continuously high
16.5 High-decreasing
No cut-off (1) 16.6 Pollack et al., 2005 [174] 16.6 Clinically relevant heart-focused anxiety on CAQ
Unspecified (0)
COPD (2) 14–94.3
Cut-off (0)
Item severity (1) 14 Stenzel et al., 2012 [168] Mean on items assessing worry about recurrence:
35 No at all
34 Slightly
17 Moderate
14 Strong/very strong
No cut-off (1) 94.3 Heffner et al., 1996 [169] 94.3 Identified health concern among many concerns
Diabetes (13) 0–81
Cut-off (9) 0–81 Anarte Ortiz et al., 2011 [30] ROC curve analyses on FH-15 for “fear of hypoglycemia” using single item as criterion
45.4 FH-15
48.0 Single item
Belendez et al., 2009 [15] 33 Unclear cut-off on HFS for "being worried about developing hypoglycaemia"
Claude et al., 2014 [7] 24.1 Established in literature of SHAI for “elevated health anxiety”
Cox et al., 1998 [195] 2 SD above published mean in worry scale of HFS
2 Normally sighted
0 Partially sighted
19 Totally blind
Hajos et al., 2014 [196] Four criteria to establish cut-off for “clinical fear of hypoglycemia” on HFS worry scale
81 Modal distribution criterion
5 SD criterion
31/21 Concurrent validity criterion
26 Elevated item endorsement criterion
Majanovic et al., 2017 [197] 11.1 Establisthed algorithm on elevated item endorsement on HFS-II worry subscale
Nixon & Pickup, 2011 [198] 27 Score > 50% of total possible score “substantial fear of hypoglycemia”
Shiu & Wong, 2000 [199] 15 Cut-off > 30 on HFS for "high fear of hypoglycemia"
van Beers et al., 2017 [204] 25 1 SD above mean in worry scale of HFS
Item severity (2) 27.7–77 Martyn-Nemeth et al., 2017 [200] HFS for assessment of "trait fear of hypglycemia" and daily-diary recorded fear of hypoglycaemia
51 Worry becoming hypoglycemic while sleeping
77 High daily fear (score 4/5 on two 1–5 items) at least once during six-day study period
Sakane et al., 2015 [203] 27.7 "Fear of hypoglycemia" was defined as the highest quintile on single item
No cut-off (1) 30 Myers et al., 2007 [201] 30 HFS "fear of death from hypoglycemia"
Unspecified (1) 62.9 Riaz et al., 2014 [202] 62.9 Reported “fear of hypoglycemia”
Epilepsy (1) 45.5
Cut-off (0)
Item severity (0)
No cut-off (1)
Unspecified (0) 45.5 Mameniskiene et al., 2015 [205] 45.5 Constant fear of the next seizure
Hepatitis (1) 25–44
Cut-off (0)
Item severity (0)
No cut-off (1) 25–44 Alizadeh et al., 2008 [194] Prinicipal concern:
25 Developing liver cancer
44 Disease progression to cirrhosis
Unspecified (0)
HIV/AIDS (2) 9.4–76.2
Cut-off (0)
Item severity (1) Sarna et al., 1999 [132] 76.2 Indicating "a fair amount" to "very much" on item "worry whether HIV is progressing"
No cut-off (1) Kemppanien et al., 2003 [133] Any indication of "fealing anxious":
9.4 About the onset of new symptoms
18.9 About death
Multiple sclerosis /neuromuscular disorders (4) 24.9–63.5
Cut-off (3) 24.9–60.3 Kalron & Achiron, 2014 [102] Results of ROC analysis of FES-I in another study identifying fear of falling
39.7 Slightly concerned
60.3 Highly concerned
Kehler et al., 2009 [175] 24.9 Scale literature of SHAI for “elevated health anxiety”
Pieterse et al., 2006 [179] 58 Scale literature of FES for “fear of falling”
Item severity (1) 63.5 Peterson et al., 2007 [192] 63.5 Yes/no to question "are you concerend about falling"
No cut-off (0)
Unspecified (0)
Parkinson’s disease (22) 7–89
Cut-off (7) 25–48 Allen et al., 2012 [176] 45.7 Scale literature of FES-I for “high fear of falling"
Bryant et al., 2014 [71] 44.3 Established in literature for ABC “high fear of falling”
Chomiak et al., 2015 [177] 25 Scale literature of FES-I for "high fear of falling"
Franzen et al., 2016 [78] Scale literature of FES-I for fear of falling
12 Low
39 Moderate
48 High
Jonasson et al., 2015 [79] Scale literature on FES-I for levels of fear of falling
29 Low
58 Moderate
47 High
Landers et al., 2014 [178] 46.4 Cut-off ≥20 on FABQ for "fear of falling avoidance behavior"
O’Connell & Guidon, 2016 [82] 45.2 Scale literature of ABC for “high fear of falling"
Item severity (1) 14 Grimbergen et al., 2013 [180] Single item on fear of falling
41 No
45 Somewhat
14 Very
No cut-off (10) 35–89 Combs et al., 2014 [181] 44 Yes/no to feeling worried about falling
Dennison et al., 2007 [182] 35 Yes/no to item “any fear of falling”
Jonasson et al., 2014 [183] 55 Yes/no to item “fear of falling”
Kader et al., 2016 [184] 48 Yes/no to item "are you afraid of falling"
Kataoka et al., 2011 [185] 83 Present or not at any level “fear of falling”
Lindholm et al., 2014 [73] 37 Yes/no to item “any fear of falling”
Nilsson et al., 2010 [74] 43 Yes/no to item “fear of falling”
Nilsson et al., 2010 [186] 38 Yes/no to item “fear of falling”
Nilsson et al., 2012 [75] 45 Yes/no to item “fear of falling”
Thomas et al., 2010 [187] 89 At least some fear of falling on FES
Unspecified (4) 7–83.7 Bloem et al., 2001 [188] 45.8 Any fear of falling indicated in clinical interview
Cubo et al., 2012 [189] 53 Fear of falling assessed with structured questionaires and ABC
Lindholm et al., 2015 [190] 83.7 Not specified
Pasman et al., 2011 [191] 7–15 Not specified: fear of falling during three experimental conditions
Stroke (3) 7.4–56
Cut-off (1) 19 Guan et al., 2015 [170] 19 ABC scale cut-off from validation literature of healthy population
Item severity (2) 7.4–56 Noble et al., 2011 [105] Reporting "Extremely fearful" on single item “fear of another haemorrhage”
7.4 Patients without PTSD
32.1 Patients with PTSD
Townend et al., 2006 [193] 56 "Agree"/"strongly agree" on item “worry about my stroke returning”
No cut-off (0)
Unspecified (0)

In articles that reported longitudinal outcomes, we have reported the baseline findings. Among item severity scores, we have indicated the range of prevalence of highest possible scores.

ABC = Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale; ASC = Assessment of Survivor Concerns; AICD = Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator; CHDPF = Coronary Heart Disease Patients Fear Scale; CARS = Concerns About Recurrence Scale; CAS = Cancer Acceptance Scale; CAQ = Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire; CWS = Cancer Worry Scale; FABQ = Fall Avoidance Behaviour Questionnaire; FCRI = Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory; FES = Falls Efficacy Scale; FES-I = Falls Efficacy Scale–International; FH-15 = Fear of Hypoglycemia 15-item Scale; FoP-Q-SF = Fear of Progression Questionnaire-Short Form; HFS = Hypoglycemia Fear Survey; MAX-PC = Memorial Anxiety Sclae for Prostate Cancer; PTSD = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; ROC = Receiver operating characteristic; SD = standard deviation; SHAI = Short Health Anxiety Inventory; SIFCR = Semi-Structured Interview on Fear of Cancer Recurrence; VAS = Visual Analogue Scale