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. 2020 Jan 3;88(2):312–319. doi: 10.1038/s41390-019-0731-y

Table 2.

Descriptive characteristics and unadjusted odds ratios (OR) of late alcohol use during pregnancy and maternal and infant factors (N = 1729).

Perinatal factors Total Column % Alcohol use during pregnancy ORs (95% CI)
No Row % Yes Row %
Birth weight (g)
  ≤2000 47 2.72 39 82.98 8 17.02 2.62 (1.19−5.79)
  2001−2500 111 6.42 101 90.99 10 9.01 1.27 (0.64−2.5)
  2501−3000 357 20.65 323 90.48 34 9.52 1.35 (0.89−2.04)
  >3000 (Ref.) 1214 70.21 1126 92.75 88 7.25
Health insurance
  Private insurance (Ref.) 786 49.94 724 92.11 62 7.89
  Medicaid 788 50.06 723 91.75 65 8.25 1.05 (0.73–1.51)
Intrauterine substance use
  No (Ref.) 1476 85.37 1359 92.07 117 7.93
  Yes 253 14.63 230 90.91 23 9.09 1.16 (0.73−1.86)
  No (Ref.) 1649 95.37 1517 92 132 8
  Yes 80 4.63 72 10 8 10 1.28 (0.6−2.71)
NICU admission
  No (Ref.) 1613 93.29 1488 92.25 125 7.75
  Yes 116 6.71 101 87.07 15 12.93 1.77 (0.99–3.13)
Feeding intention
  Bottle or both 756 43.72 683 90.34 73 9.66 1.45 (1.02−2.04)
  Breast (Ref.) 973 56.28 906 93.11 67 6.89
Breastfed exclusively
  No 1109 64.14 1006 90.71 103 9.29 1.61 (1.09−2.38)
  Yes (Ref.) 620 35.86 583 94.03 37 5.97
Gestational age (GA)
  Preterm 231 13.36 201 87.01 30 12.99 1.88 (1.23−2.89)
  Term (Ref.) 1498 86.64 1388 92.66 110 7.34
Size for gestational age
  SGA 128 7.46 114 89.06 14 10.94 0.73 (0.36−1.48)
  AGA (Ref.) 1440 83.92 1323 91.88 117 8.13
  LGA 148 8.62 139 93.92 9 6.08 1.39 (0.78−2.50)
Maternal age
  <19 (Ref.) 113 6.54 109 96.46 4 3.54
  ≥19 1616 93.46 1480 91.58 136 8.42 2.50 (0.91−6.89)
Maternal education
  ≤10 grades 139 8.04 127 91.37 62 7.89 1.05 (0.73−1.51)
  ≥11 grades (Ref.) 1590 91.96 1462 91.75 65 8.25
Previous pregnancies
  0 (Ref.) 479 27.7 448 93.53 31 6.47
  ≥1 1250 72.3 1141 91.28 109 8.72 1.38 (0.91−2.09)
  No (Ref.) 1356 78.43 1264 93.22 92 6.78
  Yes 373 21.57 325 87.13 48 12.78 2.03 (1.40−2.94)
  Other (Ref.) 134 7.88 124 92.54 10 7.46
  White 1566 92.12 1440 91.95 126 8.05 1.09 (0.56−2.12)

Post-hoc analysis:

Birth weight (g) in

Term Births only (n = 1498)

  ≤2000 and 2001–2500a 44 2.94 40 90.91 4 9.09 1.32 (0.46–3.77)
  2501–3000 277 18.49 254 90.70 23 8.30 1.19 (0.74–1.93)
  >3000 (Ref.) 1177 78.57 1094 92.95 83 7.05

Bold ORs = Statistically significant factors (p < 0.05)

OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, NAS Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

aCombining rows due to low cell count: ≤2000 frequency = 2 (0.13%) merged with 2001–2500 category frequency = 42 (2.8%)