Fig. 8.
Treatment with fenofibrate affected the expression of pre- and postsynaptic markers in the CPu of VPA-exposed rats. The excitatory glutamatergic and inhibitory GABAergic nerve terminals in the CPu region were determined by immunoblotting of vesicular glutamatergic (vGLUT) and GABAergic (vGAT) transporters, respectively, in males (a, b) and females (e, f), and the vGLUT/vGAT ratio was calculated (c, g) as an indication of excitatory/inhibitory synaptic balance. a Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,25 = 6.10, p = 0.0207; FBR administration: F1,25 = 0.033, n.s.; interaction: F1,25 = 0.002, n.s. b Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,25 = 0.0001, n.s.; FBR administration: F1,25 = 0.037, n.s.; interaction: F1,25 = 2.21, n.s. c Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,25 = 20.93, p = 0.0001; FBR administration: F1,25 = 2.87, n.s.; interaction: F1,25 = 16.17, p = 0.0005; post hoc comparison: ***p < 0.001 VPA-SD vs. saline-SD group; ##p < 0.01 vs. VPA-SD group. d Representative immunoblotting of v-GLUT and v-GAT in male. e Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,21 = 0.94, n.s; FBR administration: F1,21 = 1.10, n.s.; interaction: F1,21 = 4.16, n.s. f Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,21 = 0.168, n.s.; FBR administration: F1,21 = 0.016, n.s.; interaction: F1,21 = 0.086, n.s. g Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,21 = 0.026, n.s.; FBR administration: F1,21 = 0.89, n.s.; interaction: F1,21 = 4.06, n.s. h Representative immunoblotting of v-GLUT and v-GAT in female. The levels of PSD-95 were measured in the CPu by immunoblotting in male (i) and female rats (k). i Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,25 = 19.22, p = 0.0002.; FBR administration: F1,25 = 2.67, n.s.; interaction: F1,25 = 1.50, n.s. j Representative immunoblotting of PSD-95 in male rats. k Two-way ANOVA, VPA exposure: F1,21 = 3.18, n.s.; FBR administration: F1,21 = 3.53, n.s.; interaction: F1,21 = 41.030, n.s. l Representative immunoblotting of PSD-95 in female rats. Values are expressed as mean ± SEM and calculated as percentage of the respective saline-SD group values; n = 6–8