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. 2020 Jul 28;66(9):101053. doi: 10.1016/j.disamonth.2020.101053

Table 1.

Comparison of clinical and radiologic features of SARS, MERS, and COVID-197b, 31b, 32

Fever or chills Yes Yes Yes
Dyspnea Yes Yes
Malaise Yes Yes
Myalgia Yes Yes
Headache Yes Yes Yes
Cough Dry Dry or productive Dry (productive w/progressive illness)
Diarrhea Yes Yes +/-
Nausea or vomiting Yes Yes Less common
Sore throat Yes Uncommon Less common/but possible
Arthralgia Yes Uncommon Less common/but possible
Acute phase
Initial imaging
Normal 15–20% of patients 17% of patients 15–20% of patients
Common Peripheral multifocal airspace opacities (GGO, consolidation or both) on chest XRay lung and CT scans Diffuse findings similar to SARS Diffuse findings similar to SARS and MERS; may be, more diffuse early, or more rapidly progressive. B/L involvement to be expected
Rare Pneumothorax Pneumothorax Pneumothorax
Not seen Cavitation, lymphadenopathy Cavitation, lymphadenopathy Cavitation, lymphadenopathy
Appearance as Unilateral, focal (50%); Multifocal (40%); diffuse (10%) Bilateral, multifocal CXR Bilateral, multifocal basal airspace on or CT (80%), isolated unilateral (20%) Bilateral, multifocal, as well as basal airspace are common findings. Of note, a </=15% may present with normal CXR
Follow-up imaging appearance Unilateral, focal (25%); Progressive (most common, can be unilateral and multi-focal or bilateral with multi-focal consolidation) Extensive into upper lobes or perihilar areas, pleural effusion (33%), interlobular septal thickening (26%). Persistent or progressive airspace opacities
Indications of poor prognosis Bilateral (like ARDS), four or more lung zones,progressive involvement after 12 d Greater involvement of the lungs, pleural effusion, pneumothorax Consolidation vs ground glass opacities (GGO)
Chronic phase Data still being reviewed
Transient reticular opacities (e) Yes Yes
Air trapping Common (usually persistent)
Fibrosis Rare One-third of patients Data still being reviewed

Acronyms: GGO = ground-glass opacity, ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome. aOver a period of weeks or months.