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[Preprint]. 2020 Jul 24:2020.07.23.20160820. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2020.07.23.20160820

Table 2.

Clinical and cost-effectiveness outcomes for a model of COVID-19 disease and testing in Massachusetts

Undiscounted Undiscounted Discounted Undiscounted Discounted

Incident infections,
No. a
No. a
Total life-years lost,
No. b
Healthcare costs,
$ a
$/QALY c
Slowing scenario (June 1, 2020 Re 0.9)
 PCR-any-symptom 316,300 2,300 7,300 393,037,000 -
 Self-screen 422,200 2,600 8,200 428,461,000 dominated
 PCR-severe-only 565,300 3,200 10,100 492,552,000 dominated
 PCR-all 281,000 2,100 6,700 654,741,000 394,000
 PCR-all-repeat 210,200 1,800 5,800 2,071,400,000 1,540,000
Intermediate scenario (June 1, 2020 Re 1.3)
 PCR-any-symptom 604,600 3,500 11,100 506,489,000 -
 Self-screen 975,200 4,400 14,100 636,392,000 dominated
 PCR-all 543,900 3,000 9,700 768,358,000 181,000
 PCR-severe-only 1,471,100 6,300 20,100 832,028,000 dominated
 PCR-all-repeat 298,300 2,100 6,800 2,111,387,000 468,000
Surging scenario (June 1, 2020 Re 2.0)
 PCR-any-symptom 2,924,200 11,800 37,600 1,421,427,000 -
 PCR-all 2,799,400 11,300 36,000 1,673,911,000 dominated
 Self-screen 3,666,900 14,700 46,500 1,753,092,000 dominated
 PCR-severe-only 4,193,800 17,300 55,000 2,010,507,000 dominated
 PCR-all-repeat 1,232,500 5,200 16,600 2,532,432,000 53,000

Abbreviations: No., Number; PCR, Polymerase chain reaction; Re, Effective reproduction number; $, US dollars; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year


Includes 180-day horizon between simulated days May 1, 2020 and November 1, 2020.


Total life-years lost were estimated from COVID-related deaths occurring over 180-days. Details are in the Supplementary Material.


Incremental cost effectiveness ratios are calculated by dividing the difference in total life-years lost by the difference in total healthcare-related costs compared to the next most expensive strategy. Dominated strategies are either more expensive and less effective than another strategy (strong dominance) or a combination of two other strategies (weak dominance). Strategies are listed in order of increasing cost as per cost-effectiveness analysis convention. Total life-years lost are discounted at 3%/year; because all healthcare costs occur in year one, costs are not discounted in the base case. Additional details of calculating ICERs may be found in the Supplementary Material.

Infections, deaths, and life-years lost are rounded to the nearest 100. Costs and ICERs are rounded to the nearest 1,000. In-text results describing percentages are calculated from unrounded results.