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. 2020 Jul 24;14:1259–1265. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S258292

Table 2.

Disease and Clinical Related Characteristics of TB Pediatrics Patients Attending NSH, 2019

Variables Frequency (n) Percent (%)
Side effect Yes 126 62.4
No 76 37.6
Type of side effect (n=126) NVD 55 27.2
Changed eye color 27 13.4
Other 44 21.8
Disease classification PTB-SM+ 24 11.9
PTB-SM- 12 5.9
EPTB 166 82.2
Pre-treatment Smear result Smear positive 64 31.7
Smear negative 17 8.4
Not done 121 59.9
Treatment phase Intensive 174 86.1
Continuous 28 13.9
HIV status Positive 10 5
Negative 192 95
Medicines besides TB treatment Yes 15 7.4
No 187 92.6
Total 202 100
Medicine was taking for (n=15) HAART 10 66.7
Multivitamins 5 33.3

Abbreviations: HAART, highly active ant-retroviral therapy; NVD, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea; EPTB, extrapulmonary tuberculosis; PTB-SM+, smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis; PTB-SM-, smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis.