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. 2014 Jan 31;2014(1):CD006546. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006546.pub3
Study Reason for exclusion
Aarons 2010 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Adamson 1969 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Ainsworth 1998 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Ajduković 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Ajduković 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Albert 2008 The study did not report on child outcomes
Almgren 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Altshuler 1998 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Altshuler 1999 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Anaut 1999 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Anderson 1995 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Aquilino 1991 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Armsden 2000 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Backovic 2006 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Bada 2008 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Barber 2003 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Barth 1995 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Barth 2008a The study did not report on child outcomes
Bass 2004 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Beatty 1995 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Becker 2007 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Benedict 1990 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Benedict 1994 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Benedict 1996b The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Berman 2004 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Berrick 1995 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Berridge 1987 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Biehal 2007 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Billing 2002 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Blumberg 1996 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Broad 2001 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Broad 2004 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Browne 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Browning 1994 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Burge 2007 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Burrus 2007 The study did not report on child outcomes
Cantos 1996 The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Cariglia 1999 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Carlson 2002 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Carpenter 2001 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Carpenter 2003 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Carpenter 2004a The article/report was intractably unavailable
Carpenter 2004b The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Chamberlain 2008 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Chen 2000 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Chipungu 1998 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Clawar 1984 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Clyman 2002 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
CNNP 1996 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Cole 2001 The study did not report on child outcomes
Cole 2005a The study did not report on child outcomes
Cole 2005b The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Colon 1978 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Colton 1994 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Colton 1995 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Connell 2009 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Courtney 1992 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Courtney 1994 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Courtney 1996 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Courtney 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Courtney 2009 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Cousins 2010 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Cranley 2003 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Crawford 2006 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Cuddeback 2002 The study did not report on child outcomes
CWLA 1995 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Danzy 1997 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
David 1982 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Davidson‐Arad 2003 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Davis 1993 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Davis 1996 The article/report was intractably unavailable
De Cadiz 2006 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Delfabbro 2002 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Delfabbro 2003 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
DiGiuseppe 2003 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Du 2002 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Dubowitz 1990 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Dubowitz 1992 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Dubowitz 1993a The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Dubowitz 1993b The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Dubowitz 1994b The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Dubowitz 1994c The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Duhrssen 1958 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Dworsky 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Eggertson 2008 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Ehrle 2002a The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Ehrle 2002b The study did not report on child outcomes
English 1994 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Falcon 2000 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Fan 2010 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Farmer 1991 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Farmer 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Farmer 2009a The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Farmer 2009b The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Fechter‐Leggett 2010 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Feigelman 1995 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Fernandez 2007 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Festinger 1996 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Flint 1973 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Fluke 2008 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Folman 1995 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Fong 2006 The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Foster 2011 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care.
Fox 2008 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitiatve
Franck 2002 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Freedman 1994 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Garland 2003 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Gaudin 1993 The study did not report on child outcomes
Gebel 1996 The study did not report on child outcomes
Geen 2003 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Gennaro 1998 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Ghera 2009 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Gibbison 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Gil 1982 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Goerge 1995 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Gottesman 2001 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Graf 1987 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Gramkowski 2009 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Grogan‐Kaylor 2001 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Groppenbacher 2002 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Haist 2005 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Hansen 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Harden 2002 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Harden 2004 The study did not report on child outcomes
Harman 2000 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Havlicek 2010 The study did not report on child outcomes
Hayward 2007 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Hazel 1978 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Hegar 2009 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Hessle 1989 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Hill 2008 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Hinterlong 2008 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Hjern 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Holloway 1997 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Holtan 2008 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Holtan 2009 The study did not report on child outcomes
Hornby 1995 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Hornick 1989 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Houston 1998 The study did not report on child outcomes
Hughes 1969 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Hulsey 1989 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Hunt 1999 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Hurley 2009 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Iafrate 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Iglehart 2004 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Ingley 2008 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Ingram 1996 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Jackson 1994 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Jaffe 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
James 2004a The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
James 2004b The study did not report on child outcomes
Jantz 2002 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Jee 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Jee 2006 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Johnson 1995 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Jones 1998 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Joyce 2008 The research design was descriptive, survey, qualitative
Kamaiko‐Solano 2003 The study did not report on child outcomes
Kappenberg 2006 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Kaye 2007 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Keller 2001 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Kirton 2008a The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Kirton 2008b The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Kools 2009 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Kortenkamp 2002 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Kosenen 1993 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Kreutzmann 1995 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Kufeldt 1995 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Laan 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Le Blanc 1991 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Leslie 2000b The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Leslie 2002 The study did not report on child outcomes
Leslie 2005 The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Lewandowski 2002 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Lewis 1987 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Linderkamp 2009 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Link 1996 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Litrownik 2003 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Lopez 2010 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Lu 2008 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Lux 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Lyman 1996 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
MacIntyre 1970 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Mackintosh 2006 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Maclean 2003 The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Mallon 2010 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Maluccio 1999 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Marinković 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Marinković 2007 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Martin 2002 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Mascorro 2003 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Mason 2003 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
McCrae 2010 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
McLean 1996 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
McMahon 2001 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
McMillen 1999 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
McQuaid 1994 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
McSherry 2010 The study did not report on child outcomes
Mech 1994 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Merritt 2008 The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Millham 1986 The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Minnis 2006 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Minty 2000 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Mitchell 2002 The study did not report on child outcomes
Monheit 1997 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Montserrat 2006 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Moore 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Mosek 1993 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Moss 2009 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Moutassem‐Mimouni 1999 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Needell 1996 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
O'Donnell 2001 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Ober 2008 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Oosterman 2007 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Oyemade 1974 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Pabustan‐Claar 2007b The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Park 2010 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Payne 2000 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Pears 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Pecora 1998 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Pecora 2006 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Perez 1998 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Prosser 1997 The formal kinship care group was not disaggregated from the informal kinship placement
Raghunandan 2010 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Rickert 2008 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Ritchie 2005 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Ritter 2005 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Rock 1988 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Romney 2006 The study did not report on child outcomes
Rose 2010 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Rowe 1984 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Rowe 1989 The study did not report on child outcomes
Roy 2000 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Roy 2006 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Rubin 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Ryan 2005 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Ryan 2010b The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Sawyer 1994 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Schneiderman 2011 The study did not report on child outcomes
Schwartz 2005 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Schwartz 2007 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Shin 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Shlonsky 2002 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Shore 2002 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Simard 1993 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Sinclair 2000 The kinship care group was not disaggregated
Smith 1986 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Smith 2007 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Smithgall 2004 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Snowden 2008 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Sousa 2005 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Stahmer 2009 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Starr 1999 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Stiffman 2002 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Stott 2010 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Strijker 2005 The formal kinship care group was not disaggregated from the informal kinship care group
Strijker 2010 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Sun 2003 The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Sykes 2002 The study did not report on child outcomes
Tarren‐Sweeney 2010a The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Tarren‐Sweeney 2010b The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Taussig 2001 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Taussig 2002 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Taussig 2011 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Tepper 1991 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Terling‐Watt 2001 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Testa 1996 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Testa 1997 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Testa 2002 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Thoburn 1989 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Thomas 2010 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Thornton 1991 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Troutman 2000 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Turner 2003 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Unknown 2009 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Unrau 2005a The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Unrau 2005b The study did not report on child outcomes
Urban Institute 2006 The article/report was intractably unavailable
USGAO 1999 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Valicenti‐McDermott 2004 The article/report was intractably unavailable
Van Santen 2010 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
VDSS 1994 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Vinnerljung 1996 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18
Vinnerljung 2005 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Wade 2000 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Wade 2001 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Wall 2007 The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group
Walsh 1981 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Walton 2007 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Webster 2000 The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types
Wilson 1996 The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention
Won 2009 The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care
Wulczyn 1992 The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative
Wulczyn 2004 The intervention did not include a kinship care group
Zhao 2009 The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group
Zuravin 1998 The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18