Aarons 2010 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Adamson 1969 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Ainsworth 1998 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Ajduković 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Ajduković 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Albert 2008 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Almgren 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Altshuler 1998 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Altshuler 1999 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Anaut 1999 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Anderson 1995 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Aquilino 1991 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Armsden 2000 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Backovic 2006 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Bada 2008 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Barber 2003 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Barth 1995 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Barth 2008a |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Bass 2004 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Beatty 1995 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Becker 2007 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Benedict 1990 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Benedict 1994 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Benedict 1996b |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Berman 2004 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Berrick 1995 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Berridge 1987 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Biehal 2007 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Billing 2002 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Blumberg 1996 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Broad 2001 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Broad 2004 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Browne 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Browning 1994 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Burge 2007 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Burrus 2007 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Cantos 1996 |
The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Cariglia 1999 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Carlson 2002 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Carpenter 2001 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Carpenter 2003 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Carpenter 2004a |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Carpenter 2004b |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Chamberlain 2008 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Chen 2000 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Chipungu 1998 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Clawar 1984 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Clyman 2002 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
CNNP 1996 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Cole 2001 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Cole 2005a |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Cole 2005b |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Colon 1978 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Colton 1994 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Colton 1995 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Connell 2009 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Courtney 1992 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Courtney 1994 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Courtney 1996 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Courtney 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Courtney 2009 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Cousins 2010 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Cranley 2003 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Crawford 2006 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Cuddeback 2002 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
CWLA 1995 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Danzy 1997 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
David 1982 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Davidson‐Arad 2003 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Davis 1993 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Davis 1996 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
De Cadiz 2006 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Delfabbro 2002 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Delfabbro 2003 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
DiGiuseppe 2003 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Du 2002 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Dubowitz 1990 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Dubowitz 1992 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Dubowitz 1993a |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Dubowitz 1993b |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Dubowitz 1994b |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Dubowitz 1994c |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Duhrssen 1958 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Dworsky 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Eggertson 2008 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Ehrle 2002a |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Ehrle 2002b |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
English 1994 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Falcon 2000 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Fan 2010 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Farmer 1991 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Farmer 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Farmer 2009a |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Farmer 2009b |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Fechter‐Leggett 2010 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Feigelman 1995 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Fernandez 2007 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Festinger 1996 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Flint 1973 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Fluke 2008 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Folman 1995 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Fong 2006 |
The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Foster 2011 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care. |
Fox 2008 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitiatve |
Franck 2002 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Freedman 1994 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Garland 2003 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Gaudin 1993 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Gebel 1996 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Geen 2003 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Gennaro 1998 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Ghera 2009 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Gibbison 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Gil 1982 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Goerge 1995 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Gottesman 2001 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Graf 1987 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Gramkowski 2009 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Grogan‐Kaylor 2001 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Groppenbacher 2002 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Haist 2005 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Hansen 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Harden 2002 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Harden 2004 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Harman 2000 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Havlicek 2010 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Hayward 2007 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Hazel 1978 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Hegar 2009 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Hessle 1989 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Hill 2008 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Hinterlong 2008 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Hjern 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Holloway 1997 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Holtan 2008 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Holtan 2009 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Hornby 1995 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Hornick 1989 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Houston 1998 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Hughes 1969 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Hulsey 1989 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Hunt 1999 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Hurley 2009 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Iafrate 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Iglehart 2004 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Ingley 2008 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Ingram 1996 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Jackson 1994 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Jaffe 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
James 2004a |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
James 2004b |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Jantz 2002 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Jee 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Jee 2006 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Johnson 1995 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Jones 1998 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Joyce 2008 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, qualitative |
Kamaiko‐Solano 2003 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Kappenberg 2006 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Kaye 2007 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Keller 2001 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Kirton 2008a |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Kirton 2008b |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Kools 2009 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Kortenkamp 2002 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Kosenen 1993 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Kreutzmann 1995 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Kufeldt 1995 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Laan 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Le Blanc 1991 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Leslie 2000b |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Leslie 2002 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Leslie 2005 |
The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Lewandowski 2002 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Lewis 1987 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Linderkamp 2009 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Link 1996 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Litrownik 2003 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Lopez 2010 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Lu 2008 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Lux 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Lyman 1996 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
MacIntyre 1970 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Mackintosh 2006 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Maclean 2003 |
The kinship group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Mallon 2010 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Maluccio 1999 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Marinković 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Marinković 2007 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Martin 2002 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Mascorro 2003 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Mason 2003 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
McCrae 2010 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
McLean 1996 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
McMahon 2001 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
McMillen 1999 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
McQuaid 1994 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
McSherry 2010 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Mech 1994 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Merritt 2008 |
The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Millham 1986 |
The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Minnis 2006 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Minty 2000 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Mitchell 2002 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Monheit 1997 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Montserrat 2006 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Moore 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Mosek 1993 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Moss 2009 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Moutassem‐Mimouni 1999 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Needell 1996 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
O'Donnell 2001 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Ober 2008 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Oosterman 2007 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Oyemade 1974 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Pabustan‐Claar 2007b |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Park 2010 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Payne 2000 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Pears 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Pecora 1998 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Pecora 2006 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Perez 1998 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Prosser 1997 |
The formal kinship care group was not disaggregated from the informal kinship placement |
Raghunandan 2010 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Rickert 2008 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Ritchie 2005 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Ritter 2005 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Rock 1988 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Romney 2006 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Rose 2010 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Rowe 1984 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Rowe 1989 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Roy 2000 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Roy 2006 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Rubin 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Ryan 2005 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Ryan 2010b |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Sawyer 1994 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Schneiderman 2011 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Schwartz 2005 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Schwartz 2007 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Shin 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Shlonsky 2002 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Shore 2002 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Simard 1993 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Sinclair 2000 |
The kinship care group was not disaggregated |
Smith 1986 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Smith 2007 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Smithgall 2004 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Snowden 2008 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Sousa 2005 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Stahmer 2009 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Starr 1999 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Stiffman 2002 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Stott 2010 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Strijker 2005 |
The formal kinship care group was not disaggregated from the informal kinship care group |
Strijker 2010 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Sun 2003 |
The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Sykes 2002 |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Tarren‐Sweeney 2010a |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Tarren‐Sweeney 2010b |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Taussig 2001 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Taussig 2002 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Taussig 2011 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Tepper 1991 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Terling‐Watt 2001 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Testa 1996 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Testa 1997 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Testa 2002 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Thoburn 1989 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Thomas 2010 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Thornton 1991 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Troutman 2000 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Turner 2003 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Unknown 2009 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Unrau 2005a |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Unrau 2005b |
The study did not report on child outcomes |
Urban Institute 2006 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
USGAO 1999 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Valicenti‐McDermott 2004 |
The article/report was intractably unavailable |
Van Santen 2010 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
VDSS 1994 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Vinnerljung 1996 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |
Vinnerljung 2005 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Wade 2000 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Wade 2001 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Wall 2007 |
The kinship care group was not disaggregated from the foster care group |
Walsh 1981 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Walton 2007 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Webster 2000 |
The foster care group was not disaggregated from other out‐of‐home placement types |
Wilson 1996 |
The article/report describes a study in which there was no intervention |
Won 2009 |
The study reports on an intervention other than kinship care |
Wulczyn 1992 |
The research design was descriptive, survey, or qualitative |
Wulczyn 2004 |
The intervention did not include a kinship care group |
Zhao 2009 |
The kinship care group was not compared with a foster care group |
Zuravin 1998 |
The cases were drawn from a sample of adults over the age of 18 |