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. 2020 Jul 1;2020(7):CD002251. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002251.pub4

Carvalho 2009.

Study characteristics
Methods RCT
Participants 46 women
Inclusion criteria: women scheduled for caesarean under spinal anaesthesia; age 18‐54 years; weight ≤ 100 kg; height ≥ 150 cm; ASA physical status I or II; uncomplicated term pregnancy
Exclusion criteria: pregnancy‐induced hypertension; cardiac disease; diabetes or fetal complications; women in labour
Setting: USA
Interventions Colloid preloading versus colloid coloading
Group 1: colloid preload: 500 mL 6% hetastarch IV slowly over 20 min before spinal anaesthesia
Group 2: colloid coload: 500 mL 6% hetastarch IV as quickly as possible, with the aid of a pressure bag, immediately after spinal anaesthesia
All women received standardised aspiration prophylaxis and standardised spinal anaesthetic technique and dose.
Hypotension requiring intervention was managed with vasopressor mix of 5 mg/mL ephedrine plus 25 μg/mL phenylephrine given according to a strict predefined algorithm (systolic pressure ≥ 90% of baseline: no vasopressor; 80%‐89% systolic pressure: 1 mL equivalent to ephedrine 5 mg + phenylephrine 25 μg; 79%‐79% systolic pressure: 2 mL equivalent to ephedrine 10 mg + phenylephrine 50 μg; systolic pressure < 70%: 3 mL equivalent to ephedrine 15 mg + phenylephrine 75 μg)
Outcomes Maternal: hypotension; bradycardia; tachycardia; nausea, vomiting; total vasopressor dose
Neonatal: umbilical and venous arterial pH; Apgar scores; neonatal weight
Notes Hypotension defined as SBP < 90% baseline
Bradycardia defined as heart rate < 40 bpm
Tachycardia defined as heart rate > 140 bpm
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Random numbers generated using MS Excel
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Sealed, opaque envelopes
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes High risk Not feasible to blind the interventions
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Not reported
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Low risk No losses to follow‐up
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Most expected outcomes were reported, although some were reported in a form that could not used in this review
Other bias Low risk Similar baseline characteristics