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. 2020 Jul 1;2020(7):CD002251. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002251.pub4
Study Reason for exclusion
Adekanye 2007 Examines effect on combined spinal‐epidural (not spinal anaesthesia alone)
Adigun 2010 Prevention of hypotension was not a study outcome, instead it examined effect of the interventions on restoration of BP. Aim was treatment not prophylaxis
Akhtar 2011 Inadequate information on number of women allocated to each group
Alahuhta 1994 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Amponsah 2011 Investigated prevention of hypotension resulting from combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia
Aragao 2014 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Arai 2008 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Arboleda 2012 Investigated treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Armstrong 2010 Inadequate reporting of study method. It is unclear if patients received spinal versus epidural versus combined spinal‐epidural
Ashpole 2005 Phenylephrine and ephedrine used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
Atalay 2010 Anaesthetic regimen differed between groups
Atashkhoyi 2012 Investigated treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Ayorinde 2001 Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia performed
Aziz 2013 Quasi‐randomised study
Bach 2002 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Balcan 2011 Pharmacological treatment of maternal hypotension was studied. Prophylaxis was not studied
Basuni 2016 Comparison of different anaesthetic techniques
Belzarena 2006 Ephedrine or ethylphenylephrine (etilfrine) were used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Benhamou 1998 Compared different spinal techniques – intervention was adding clonidine or fentanyl to bupivacaine
Bhar 2011 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Bhattarai 2010 Phenylephrine, ephedrine or mephentermine were used for treating, not preventing hypotension
Bjornestad 2009 Participants received epidural, not spinal anaesthesia
Borgia 2002 Participants underwent combined epidural‐spinal anaesthesia
Bouchnak 2006 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – different rates of anaesthetic administration
Bouslama 2012 Dose of the anaesthetic into spinal was not standardised between the study groups (low dose versus high dose). Comparisons between different anaesthetics techniques not included in this review
Bryson 2007 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – different doses of local anaesthetic.
Butwick 2007 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Cai 2016 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Campbell 1993 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – intervention compared 2 different needles
Cardoso 2004b Metaraminol was used to maintain BP
Cardoso 2005 Phenylephrine or metaraminol were used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Carvalho 2015 Not a prospective randomised controlled trial (control group was retrospectively collected from case notes). Also incidence of hypotension not reported.
Cesur 2008 This study evaluated different anaesthetic techniques – hyperbaric bupivacaine alone versus sequential subarachnoid injection of plain bupivacaine followed by hyperbaric bupivacaine
Chanimov 2006 Investigation of effect of fluid preload on neonatal acid‐base status (not maternal hypotension)
Choi 2005 Comparison of different anaesthetic techniques
Chung 1996 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – intervention was volume of anaesthetic
Clark 1980 Dopamine was used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Cohen 2002 Investigated prevention of hypotension for combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section
Cooper 2002 Phenylephrine and ephedrine used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
Cooper 2004 Phenylephrine and ephedrine used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
Cooper 2007 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Coppejans 2006 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Das 2011 Inadequate data. This study investigates both the prevention and management of hypotension using a infusion which is commenced prior to spinal injection and then titrated according to BP using a predetermined algorithm. It is the initial prevention of hypotension (prior to titration of the vasopressor infusion) that this Cochrane review examines, however, this is impossible to examine based on the published data in this paper.
Datta 1982 Not randomised (allocated according to BP levels)
Davemski 2007 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Defossez 2007 Treatment rather than prevention
Desalu 2005 Ephedrine or saline used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
Doherty 2011 Investigated treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension. Also incidence of hypotension was not reported
Dua 2013 Investigated treatment of hypotension, not prevention of hypotension
Dyer 2009 Phenylephrine and ephedrine used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
El‐Hakeem 2011 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Evron 2007 Investigated prevention of hypotension following combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia (not spinal anaesthesia alone)
Fabrizi 1998 Inadequate data on specific numbers for incidence of hypotension in each group
Farber 2015 Techniques to prevent incidence of hypotension following spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section not investigated
Forkner 2012 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Foss 2014 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Frikha 2008 Inadequate data. The number of participants in each study group was not reported.
Frolich 2001 Study not adequately controlled with respect to fluid administration. Methods to prevent maternal hypotension was not a study outcome
Fuzier 2005 Treatment, not prevention, of hypotension
Gallo 1996 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – 2 doses of bupivacaine
Gambling 2015 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Garrison 2005 Intervention was early identification of signs of hypotension so that women received prompt treatment
George 2015 Treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Goudie 1988 Participants not randomised ('sequential allocation')
Guasch 2010 Investigated different anaesthetic techniques in prevention of maternal hypotension
Guillon 2010 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Gulec 2012 Investigated different doses of levobupivacaine into a combined spinal‐epidural anaesthetic
Gulhas 2013 Only women who developed hypotension were randomised
Gunda 2010 Ephedrine or phenylephrine were used to treat, not prevent, hypotension
Gupta 2012 Women given combined spinal epidural anaesthesia
Gutsche 1976 No mention of randomisation
Hahn 1998 BP 'maintained', thus not prevention
Hamzei 2015 Different anaesthetic agent doses for spinal anaesthesia were compared
Hanss 2006 Quasi‐randomised trial
Haruta 1987 Investigated treatment of hypotension; no definition of hypotension; no evidence of randomisation
Hennebry 2009 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Higgins 2015 Investigated treatment of hypotension, not prevention
Housni 2004 Studied the effect of the rate of injection of bupivacaine on haemodynamic changes in elective caesarean
Husaini 1998 Hypotension treated not prevented ‐ ephedrine manually regulated to keep BP in normal range
Iwama 2002 2 different anaesthetics used ‐ not a randomised trial
Jackson 1995 BP was maintained by ephedrine infusion as well as treated according to rescue criteria for hypotension
Jain 2008 Maintenance, not prevention of hypotension
James 1996 Interventions were differing needle orientations
Javed 2014 Comparison of different anaesthetic techniques
John 2013 Inadequate data – incidence of hypotension following spinal anaesthesia was not reported
Kamrul 2012 Investigated methods of preventing oxytocin induced hypotension by co‐administration of phenylephrine. Preventing of spinal anaesthesia induced hypotension was not investigated.
Kang 1982 BP 'maintained', thus not prevention
Kang 1996 Epidural anaesthesia used
Kangas‐Saarela 1990 Despite adequate definition of hypotension, any fall in BP was treated with ephedrine boluses – not prevention
Kansal 2005 BP 'maintained', thus not prevention
Kaya 2007 Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia performed
Keera 2016 Different anaesthetic techniques compared
Kinsella 2012 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Ko 2007 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Kumar 2013 Treatment rather than prevention of spinal hypotension was investigated
Kutlesic 2012 Different anaesthetic techniques investigated
Lal 2015 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension, not prevent
Langesaeter 2008 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
LaPorta 1995 Comparison of pressors used to treat hypotension, not prevention
Law 2003 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Lee 2005 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent.
Lee 2008 Investigated prevention of hypotension in combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia
Lee 2012 Prevention of hypotension was not investigated
Lee 2015 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Lee 2016 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Lewis 2004 Ephedrine and/or fluid used to maintain BP
Liu 2010 Epidural anaesthesia used
Luo 2016 Treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Madi‐Jebara 2007 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Mahajan 2009 Study meets criteria for inclusion but unable to interpret data/results presented in paper. Attempted to contact to resolve but no response.
Matorras 1998 Anaesthetist made decision of whether women had general anaesthetic or spinal anaesthesia. Different anaesthetic techniques used therefore excluded
Matsota 2013 Group allocation was not reported. It was not reported to be a "randomised" study
Matsota 2015 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
McDonald 2011 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
McLeod 2010 Prevention of hypotension following spinal anaesthesia was not investigated.
Mebazaa 2010 This study investigates different spinal anaesthetic doses (i.e. reduction in bupivacaine dose) effect on incidence of hypotension
Mendonca 2003 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Mercier 2001 Investigated treatment of hypotension
Miller 2000 Unclear how many women were allocated to each study group
Mitra 2014 This RCT was included in comparison 7 (colloid versus crystalloid) in the Cyna 2017 updated review. However, this study has since been retracted by the Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia and we have now reclassified this study from included to excluded.
Mohta 2008 Dose‐finding comparison between ephedrine and phenylephrine, not a randomised trial
Mohta 2015 Investigated treatment rather than prevention of hypotension
Mohta 2016 Treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Moore 2000 Investigates effect of speed of spinal local anaesthetic injection on incidence of hypotension
Moore 2014 Different anaesthetic agent doses for spinal anaesthesia were compared
Moran 1991 Comparison of pressors used to maintain BP, not used for prevention
Mowbray 2002 Phenylephrine and ephedrine were used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Narejo 2012 Investigated 2 different types of local anaesthetic used in intrathecal injection and their effects on the incidence of hypotension
Nasir 2005 Comparison of different anaesthetic regimens
Negron 2010 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Ngan 2016 Treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Ngan Kee 2001a Metaraminol was used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Ngan Kee 2001b Metaraminol was used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Ngan Kee 2001c Metaraminol was used for treating, not preventing, hypotension
Ngan Kee 2004b Thresholds of systolic arterial pressure randomised rather than prophylactic interventions
Ngan Kee 2005 Phenylephrine was used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
Ngan Kee 2008a Treatment, not prevention
Ngan Kee 2008b Treatment, not prevention
Ngan Kee 2009 Phenylephrine and ephedrine were used to maintain systolic arterial pressure (treating hypotension)
Ngan Kee 2011 Methods to maintain maternal BP was investigated, not methods to prevent hypotension
Ngan Kee 2013b Methods to maintain maternal BP was investigated, not methods to prevent hypotension
Ngan Kee 2015 Investigated treatment of hypotension
Nishikawa 2004 Results not reported for all women who were randomised (5 emergency caesareans not reported in the groups to which they were randomised)
Norris 1987 Crystalloids used for maintaining BP
Norris 1989 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Nutangi 2013 This study investigates the efficacy of vasopressors in treatment (not prevention) of postspinal hypotension.
Nze 2003 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Ocio 2013 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Okutan 2006 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Osseyran 2011 Anaesthetic techniques varied among participants: spinal anaesthetic is not controlled and position of patient variable (variable bupivicaine dose according to height of patient, ± fentanyl, positioned in supine or side‐lying for SAB).
Park 1996 Study was uncontrolled with respect to haemodynamics – "...ephedrine and additional fluid were given at the discretion of the anesthesiologist ... to maintain a systolic BP > 100 mmHg or 80% of baseline"
Peng 2013 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia conducted, not spinal anaesthesia alone
Pickford 2000 Despite adequate definition of hypotension, rescue ephedrine was also given for nausea and hypotension was not reported
Prakash 2010 Phenylephrine and ephedrine were used to treat, not prevent, hypotension
Quan 2013 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Quan 2014 Combined spinal epidurals performed
Quan 2015 Different anaesthetic agents for spinal anaesthesia were compared
Quan 2016 Different anaesthetic techniques compared
Quiney 1995 Study not adequately controlled – BP maintained within 20% of preoperative value of baseline by adjusting infusion rate of ephedrine in Hartmann's solution
Rashad 2013 Investigated treatment of hypotension
Reed 2006 Intervention aimed to manage hypotension not prevent
Rehman 2011 This study investigated the efficacy of prophylactic ephedrine given soon after spinal block compared to those women who were given treatment boluses of ephedrine only after they developed hypotension
Rewari 2015 Number of women allocated to each study group not reported
Ronenson 2014 Intervention was using different doses of anaesthetic
Rout 1993b Quasi‐randomised study
Rout 2000 Unclear definition of hypotension
Rucklidge 2002 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Rucklidge 2005 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Rumboll 2015 Prevention of oxytocin‐induced hypotension rather than prevention of spinal‐induced hypotension
Russell 2002 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Sahin 2015 Number of women allocated to each study group not reported
Sakr 2014 Combined spinal epidurals performed
Sanwal 2008 Investigated effects of intrathecal midazolam in addition to bupivacaine on post‐spinal hypotension
Saravanan 2006 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Schofield 2011 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Seltenrich 2001 Comparison of injection rates of spinal anaesthetic
Seyedhejazi 2007 Investigated the effect of different doses of bupivacaine‐fentanyl on postspinal hypotension
Sherif 2013 Investigated treatment not prevention of hypotension in women having spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section
Shifman 2007 Epidurals performed
Siddik‐Sayyid 2013 Not reported as a randomised study
Siddik‐Sayyid 2014 Techniques to treat, rather than prevent, hypotension
Siddiqui 2016 Compared different anaesthetic doses/regimens
Simon 1999 Compared fast and slow injection rates; no mention of randomisation
Sivevski 2006 Investigated effect of plain bupivacaine versus lower dose bupivacaine with fentanyl on the incidence of hypotension
Sng 2013 Investigated treatment, not prevention of hypotension
Sng 2014 Techniques to treat, rather than prevent, hypotension
Sprague 1976 Not randomised – allocation was sequential
Stewart 2010 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Stewart 2011 Investigated the effect of differing rates of phenylephrine infusions (used for the treatment of maternal hypotension) on the incidence of maternal reactive hypertension
Stoneham 1999 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – spinal given in different positions
Sumikura 2009 Investigated the effect of preloading with lactated or bicarbonate Ringer's solutions on fetal acid base balance. Maternal BP was not reported
Szmuk 2008 Treatment, not prevention
Tamilselvan 2009 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Tanaka 2007 Not a randomised controlled trial
Tanaka 2008 Phenylephrine dose finding study, not randomised trial
Tang 2015 Combined spinal‐epidural performed; compared different anaesthetic techniques
Tekyeh 2013 Different doses of spinal local anaesthetic compared
Teoh 2009 Not prophylaxis – arterial BP was maintained at 90% to 100% of baseline values
Thomas 2001 Thresholds of systolic arterial pressure randomised rather than prophylactic interventions
Thomas 2004 Given as treatment not prophylaxis
Thomas 2006 Treatment given as baby was born
Tolia 2008 Compared different spinal anaesthetic techniques – different doses of anaesthetics
Turker 2011 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Vallejo 2015 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Van Bogaert 1998 The method by which hypotension was treated was not clearly reported, and potentially inconsistent between study participants
Vercauteren 1996 Investigated CSE technique
Vercauteren 2000 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Vincent 1998 Study not adequately controlled – BP maintained at 90% – 100% of baseline by adjusting infusions of intervention pressor
Vuffray 2005a Treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Vuffray 2005b Treatment, rather than prevention, of hypotension
Wang 2011 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Wang 2015 Combined spinal epidurals performed
Williamson 2009 Comparison of different spinal anaesthetic techniques
Wojciechowski 2008 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Wollman 1968 No mention of randomisation of study participants. 'Control group' included 5 parturients having vaginal birth
Xiao 2015a Combined spinal epidurals performed
Xiao 2015b Combined spinal epidurals performed
Xu 2012 Not a randomised trial. This study aimed to determine the median effective volume of crystalloid in preventing hypotension in women undergoing caesarean delivery with spinal anaesthesia.
Xu 2014 Combined spinal‐epidural anaesthesia performed
Yadav 2012 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Yentis 2000 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Yokoyama 2004 Variable bupivicaine dosing was used: "The amount of 0.5% bupivacaine hyperbaric solution to be administered was adjusted to aim for a level of anaesthesia of T4, at 2.5ml, with reference to the weight of the patient."
Yoon 2012 Incidence of hypotension not reported
Young 1996 Intervention aimed to treat hypotension not prevent
Yun 1998 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed
Yurtlu 2012 Investigated effect of hyperbaric, isobaric and combinations of bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia
Zakowski 1992 Comparison of pressors to treat, not prevent, hypotension
Zasa 2015 Only randomised women at high risk of developing hypotension
Zhou 2008 Combined spinal‐epidurals performed

BP: blood pressure; CSE: combined spinal‐epidural; SBP: systolic blood pressure.