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. 2019 Jul 19;28(3):193–227. doi: 10.1007/s10728-019-00381-x
# Code Description
1 Fundamental principle Any general principles identified by the document
2 Topic selection process Process through which topics/technologies for appraisal are selected
3 Topic selection criteria Criteria according to which topics/technologies for appraisal are selected
4 Outcomes Health and non-health outcomes accounted for directly in the technology evaluation
5 Costs Costs to the health service and elsewhere accounted for directly in the technology evaluation
6 Economic evaluation Type of economic evaluation and methodology used to measure and value health effects. E.g. cost-utility analysis using QALYs based on EQ-5D
7 Acceptable evidence The types of evidence considered acceptable in making an evaluation
8 Clinical effectiveness Judgemental factors that can be taken into account in evaluating clinical effectiveness e.g. nature and quality of evidence, uncertainty, existing alternatives, patients views on outcomes
9 Cost effectiveness Judgemental factors that can be considered in evaluating cost effectiveness e.g. patient perspectives on quality of life, wider societal benefit
10 Participants Groups and individuals formally invited to participate in the appraisal process
11 Discounting policy Discount rate(s) applied and the policy surrounding their application
12 Time horizon Policy regarding the period of time over which costs/benefits can be calculated
13 Innovation Any policy regarding how innovation should be treated and valued during appraisal
14 Social value judgements Any social or ethical values explicitly regarded as relevant to appraisal and decision-making
15 Equalities considerations Any specific considerations to be made regarding the potential for inequalities
16 Excluded considerations Any considerations explicitly excluded from consideration during appraisal and decision-making
17 Threshold Any explicitly stated cost-effectiveness threshold(s) or threshold range(s)
18 Resource impact Any policy regarding the consideration of resource impact, budget impact or affordability during appraisal
19 Appeal criteria Criteria according to which appellants may be heard