Figure 7.
Interactome of proteins that were differentially expressed exclusively by clozapine treatment (a) and by clozapine + d-serine treatment (b). Known interactions between proteins are represented by lines connecting the nodes. The darker the line, the greater the degree of confidence about the interaction, calculated from evidence found in literature and databases. This figure was made using Cytoscape (version 3.7.2)126 and String app (version 1.5)127, with a minimum required interaction score of 0.700. (a) Blue bar indicates involvement in mRNA metabolism, red bar indicates involvement with in the organization or biogenesis of cellular components, and green bar indicates involvement in cellular protein metabolism. (b) Red bar indicates association with the organization or biogenesis of cellular components (especially organelles, such as ribosomes). Pink bar indicates participation in metabolic processes, both catabolic and anabolic. Blue bar indicates participation in the metabolism of nitrogenous compounds. Green bar indicates a relation to organelle organization.